Wow! AMAZING!!! Damn, dong, wong fong. I'm in amazed, Sometimes a maybe, but this is a definite yes. BEST GENERATIONS TOY YET.
Please clarify what the ever loving hell you're on about with that poll... But yes, Cosmos is a damn great figure.
Huh? Yes he is a very cool toy. I really like Cosmos and his flying saucer design. I'm after the G1 version myself.
Damn, that's right. I've been waiting for an oversized KO of this guy like was done with Powerglide, but now I'll just wait and see what the TR version will look like first.
i voted "needs retool with more yellow and bonus giant nerd" , "needs a seat inside of him", and "not enough space". in all seriousness, he is a fantastic figure. mine has a problem on his right arm socket, but its managable. and its always funny to have his robot head pop out of vehicle mode!
I can't imagine how they could do better than the one already released to be honest. Its a great figure
try an eye glasses screwdriver, you can get them at the supermarket usually or obviously an optometrist office. or go on ebay and get an ipod screwdriver.
Visit your local Dollar Tree (or .99 Store). They have these in spades. RE: Cosmos, that looks pretty darn cool. Just may pick it up!
I don't collect Generations, but have bought a few here and there. Cosmos and Cyclonus are the Generations figures that I just could not pass up. I just put Cosmos with my Masterpiece toys. I'm not too worried about the scale, when it comes to a flying saucer. I voted "NICE BLUE".
I feel great about space too. Is it loose at the pin joint? Mine's Ioose at the right shoulder hinge. I tried to figure out how to get the pin out, but unfortunately, there's only an entry hole for the pin, so you can't punch it out. I tried to see if disassembling him would make it easier to put some floor polish in the joint, but it really didn't help. As of now, my Cosmos stands with his hands on his hips until I can figure out how to get that pin out.
For some reason I HATED this figure. Maybe it's because it took the same oversized fists as the other figures in the line and doubled THAT, and had chunky arms and legs on top of it all. The thighs that have pointy bits that go way too far bag. Those insane feet. Maybe it's because it looks like it belongs more in a Rescue Bots line and does not fit Generations (to me) one bit. Maybe it's because mine didn't tab in and was a floppy mess. It's like someone cut slices of green ice cream cake and stuck them on a neat torso and head. While I understand that it turns into a saucer, and it makes the most sense to cut that saucer shape into quarters and turn those into arms and legs, it just feels so lazy to me. I expected so much more, and I hope the TR figure delivers.