Hey im looking to repaint one of my cyclonus figures, Im not new to modeling or painting ( I use to paint models for Games Workshop display cases) but I am new to the whole breaking down of the action figure and types of paints to use on them. Is there any drastic differences in painting a transformer over say a GW model aside from size and having to deal with moving parts? I was also curious if there are any primers you guys would recommend? On my models i preferred to paint up from a black base, but im willing to try anything. Any advice or tips would be much appreciated . thanks /Emp
Most of your queries can be answers right here in our handy dandy tutorials sections! Lotsa great tips! http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/tutorials-how-tos/201900-table-contents.html
Sand rubbing points down, and wash the figure with warm soapy water first. those are the biggest differences.