I've heard that when he was released back in 2007, he came with stickers you had to apply yourself like the very first G1 figures. But when i got the 2012 re-reissue, he came with his stickers already applied. Was this how it was supposed to be?
He does have his stickers pre-applied. It is supposed to be that way. Something to be aware though is that he has bronze trim around his cassette door instead of gold. Believe me, I got mine from BBTS. EDIT I mean to ask you if yours has bronze trim instead of gold. Sorry for the mishap back there.
Slightly off topic, but I think it's interesting that the G1 instructions have the battery stickers shown applied to the legs. This is something I found out about later being an 'adult' collector of course
On the original run, was it it just some/most of his stickers coming preapplied but a few others that did have to be put on manually? I vividly remember putting some stickers on mine when I got it back in early '08.
CS Soundwave was reissued by Hasbro Asia. TRU have nothing to do with it this yr. that had to be stated because people get the wrong end of the stick, and then get annoyed because they can't find something a retailer was never going to have.
Oh, sorry, I meant the original TRU run of this reissue back in '07. However, I didn't know the original original Soundwave release in the '80s had any preapplied stickers either.
Ya, I didn't know that either. And i call myself a soundwave fanatic! lol! I wonder why hasbro reissued soundwave with copper trim instead of gold. It's rather strange.