WAIT A MINUTE. So is this MP Convoy KO the same size as G1 Convoy? Cause they have mini-bot bumblebee next to him to show scale. Is my assertion correct? Because if it is, then this KO is better then Takara's RobotMaster Convoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Honestly, this KO doesn't look that bad. Well, it is a little fugly but RobotMasters Convoy was kinda fugly too and this KO looks better the RobotMasters Convy!!?!?! I don't know. Hrm........ EDIT. Okay, I read the auction description. It is deluxe size MP Convoy. Well, its not bad I think. Not bad at all. Almost tempted to bid on it. Hrm....
scrape off the crapy green stickers and he'd be alright. He's no masterpiece convoy but he's better than than the RM one.
Motormaster-type Convoy = WTF!? Motormaster... with his Menasor face and accessories... and Energon Inferno's gun-type-thing? I think I just popped a few brain cells.
Sweet! It's the Deluxe version! Actually... for a KO... it really isn't that bad... At least it has long stacks.