FS: Movie leader Brawl - modified feet/ankle

Discussion in 'Items For Sale or Trade' started by transformer_78, Nov 13, 2016.

  1. transformer_78

    transformer_78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2007
    Trophy Points:
    IMG_5298.JPG IMG_5297.JPG IMG_5296.JPG IMG_5295.JPG IMG_5294.JPG
    Movie leader brawl with modified/ ball joint feet. It's pre-owned only used as a display item. It’s been in storage and untouched but is still in great working and transformable condition with no damage/fade to the figure and all tight joints. Only missing 1 of the blade weapons to his forearm. All sound and light effect still work. Minor paint application to the face and modified with ball joint to the feet to allow for more mobility and action poses which the regular figure can’t do. Feet can rotate 180 degrees and pivot side-to-side. See pictures for full movement at the feet.

    If interested please let me know

    Last edited: Nov 16, 2016