SPIKE just wanted to let everyone know i listed him...and if the price seems high, take a look at the last one that sold for 175.... i should be listing more stuff soon, but its all in my sales thread, so check that....
well, he didnt sell...i shoulda never wasted the money to list him the way i did before. but oh well, he's back and at a great low starting price...bid away if you need it...
low starting doesn't really mean anything because you have a reserve on it. And judging from your BIN price, I don't think your reserve is low.
Im gonna try to put this to you as easy as possible, You can't always base what your planing to sell on another person's auction, listing Spike for 175. isn't gonna get it sold that easily. IF you started out at say 39.99 or even 49.99 you would see it possibly jump up to 150 or 175 or maybe slightly higher I don't realisticly see it selling at the price you have it for right now in the buy it now... Also listing it at 1 cent isn't gonna get it to the price you want by auction's end I just don't think it's gonna sell, I would hazzard to guess your reserve is close to the buy it now price maybe if you got lucky and there was another desperate person out there to get one at any cost. Don't look at it as the seller lucked out, Hell I feel bad for the person who paid that much for a two inch tf reguardless if it's spike or not... I seen a lot of Headmaster spike auctions go for less then 175. and there's a complete Fort Max (With Spike) going for 260.+ shipping If it came down to a choice of your Headmaster Spike and A Complete Fort Max (That included Spike) I'd go for the Fort max.
well, that complete fort max is already at 338 with 5 days left...i think it'll go higher...and my spike is already shooting up as well, and the reserve isnt necessarily as high as you might think...and i do use other auctions to gauge price...not to solely go off of, just to gauge...and i think this time itll sell...
well, the reserve has been hit...and still 4 days to go...it hit quicker then i thought it would...i'm way excited...