I want this piece of shit out of my apartment before I set the damn figure on fire. It's just the last straw on the camel's back that has been a resoundingly shitting day. The toy is this: Mecha Action Series Type-7 Brocken TV Version What's wrong with it: The hips were both snapped at the pegs out of the box. Of course, there was no way to know this without cutting open the fabric shrouding to see. To return the damn thing to HLJ is going to cost me almost as much as I paid for it, assuming they'll even take it back at this point. If you're confident in your abilities to repair it, by all means it's yours. Just pay its airfare to you and I'll happily never see it again. If nobody is interested, I will gladly put it through a shredder. PM me if interested.
ONE more thing thats wrong with it: It doesnt look like it transforms. ...Oh sorry about your luck dude. EDIT: That IS quite ironic Andrey.