FBoRW is a graphic novel chronicle of a family's development through the generations. It isn't supposed to be funny. It is poignant and you deserve to be banned for that aids comment.
No it isn't funny. Nor is it poignant. It's trite and at times a little creepy. There are a lot of things I do that should probably get me banned fromn various places but disapproving of a hackneyed, oversentimental comic that grabs at straws to be funnyand has run on way too long is not one of them.
...Wow. Angry much? I remember reading For Better Or For Worse and not really enjoying/appreciating it, but it's not as bad as...I dunno, Garfield. At least it's literate.
not bad, reminds me of when me and my wife were joking about the whole "marriage is 50/50 thing" and she said she'd get half my transformers, I said she'd never get a divorce lol