Updated: I took the advice given and had a go at a couple of glow effects. In principle they are great - in practice - well, that's what I need more of - practice lol They do add a much needed pop, but they aren't executed very well. Will have another go probably. I also added a couple of detail changes to his shoulders and chest to better reflect the game character. Again, feel free to comment Hi again, This is my latest go at a radicon repaint. Love this mold - it is soooo cool and this one has been my goal at starting to do repaints. I really came close to doing battle damage on him but I bottled out as I wasn't confident doing it and didn't want to spoil such a cool mold. I might go back and revisit my Nitro BB and inflict a bit of damage on him as a test run Anyway, process was same as usual, complete strip, sand, prime and then lots of shades of paint to try and get highlights - not sure I got it right, but he's sort of there. Would love to hear what you think. Cheers!!
ive taken a liking to this mold recently too, I really liked it when I bought it back when it first released but have been having fun with repaints of it lately, ive done a toxitron - http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/radicons-customs/987889-generations-toxitron.html and I am working on a SG Magnus and a G1 style optimus that will combine with a jetfire custom, to give him the movie jet optimus a classic g1 look. what you have done here looks great! you see some people go over board with the weathering but yours looks spot on, actually looks like he is covered in dirt and stuff rather than splodges of paint.0 Again, with the battle damage some people go over board and ruin it, I once did the same and I think a lot of people do when beginning, I suggest you practice it on toys that are ether cheap or of no use to
I think it has great potential to be even better by adding some glow effects You seem to have the main colors nailed down but some glow effects or even some solid light colors like light blue or yellow to accent his paint scheme would do well I think.
I also agree on SoN's comment. This mold is a great piece for a starter custom and I think you did it pretty good justice. Some FOC glow effects would really make this guy pop.