Hey Guys So I found my ol slag g1 figure from my parent's basement! Woot! I did not realize it was the Diaclone version also. However his horns are broken off. What is the best way to replace these. I am cool to use the regular red horns. Do you pop the head open? Love to get feedback.
I've never tried. I would love to see a tutorial if anyone has done it. I have an old blue Diaclone Slag that needs new horns some day.
Yeah. Mine still have the base of the horn intact, but they only stick out about a centimeter, and the rest is broken off.
I've opened up a G1 Slag to try and tighten his horns, but unfortunately, it seems they are not attached by screws, but rather melt-sealed (or whatever the technique is called where the end of plastic is heated to rivet it to the hole).