ive been wanting to take pics for YEARS but never had the ability well ive been messing around with my sisters christmas present and took these pics lol >:} http://photobucket.com/albums/v463/dcjosh/Collection/
Sweet collection man. Is that a symbol stand? Here's a cropped & lighted pic of the bookshelf (was scanning he back row lol) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v148/loebig/Chaos%20Muffin/joshcollectiona.jpg
heh, yeah those are a couple of my cymbal stands hehe, thx for the cropped pic and stuff and yeah. i actually have two punch/counterpunch's xD one to keep as Punch and another to keep as Counterpunch xD
man u must have trouble dusting . But sweet collection, where you gonna put anymore, looks lik your running low on room dude
hah yeah i HATE dusting them all gonna definately have to buy another shelf or two though. i'm so out of run its not even funny
i feel your pain my friend i feel your pain. If you talk to anyone asking for another room they flip out, its only 1 room they dont use