Have there been any figures you really wanted but simply never saw at retail? It's a pretty crummy feeling... The only one I'm sure of was Alternators Jaguar Ravage. Really wanted it, but I swear, my Wal-Marts never got him in. Damn shame, still haven't found one for a decent price. Might be a bit early to call these, but the last two waves of PCC Commanders. REALLY wanted Undertow, and would have been on the fence for Skyhammer and Heavytread, but never saw them (or even Salvage). At least those I could have bought from HTS... I had no chance of getting DotM Space Case at retail. Never saw him, because Hasbro thought that barely different redecos of Movie 1 and RotF Figures who have already gotten several redecos should be more densely packed than, you know, the only new-character, new color scheme figure in the case. Who also is the only one with new tooling. And is the most recent mold, that's only had one use so far. Not bitter. Nope.
There have been very few things that I never, ever saw at retail over the years. Thankfully, there's the internet. For me, other than the late wave PCC/RtS scouts, I can recall never seeing: Alternators Swerve, RotF Evac and Red Rampage, and that's about it.
How much are you willing to pay? Lots of people here will ship you one for cost plus shipping (and maybe just a touch more) if you want as they are really common in certain areas.
There has only been two figure I have never seen at retail in my 16 years of collecting. Energon energon Jetfire and Energon energon Cliffjumper aka Beachcomber. I'm an aggresive hunter when sightings start popping up in my area so I've been able to find everything. The hardest figures to find are alway the final wave of a series, those tend to get overlooked in Canada. at least in the GTA.
The only one I never saw at retail was Energon Beachcomber (I saw cliffjumper everywhere). i have been able to find everything I have wanted since I started collecting.
Quite a few that I've never seen in a store, but I've almost always grabbed them online when that's happened. Alternators- Dead End (got online) Rumble Camshaft Ravage v2 (friend got me one from UK) Energon- Ultra Magnus 07 Movie- Concept Camaro Bumblebee ROTF- Red Rampage RTS- Jazz (got United) Wreck-Gar (got online) Grappel (got from friend) Lugnut (got online) Optimus Prime (got from friend) Perceptor (got online) Windcharger (got online) Generations- Wheeljack (got from friend) Warpath (got online)
I've still never seen an MP Rodimus at retail, though people say he is shelf-warming in some areas. Mostly I've been pretty lucky seeing stuff at least once. And I've learned to pick it up when I do. I have seen Target-exclusive Space Case on the pegs a total of ONE time, and feel pretty relieved that on that occasion I bought him... 'cause I haven't seen one since! Same thing with TRU MP Grimlock... I saw him in a store only once, sitting in the "returns" cart, and luckily picked bought him. Never saw him again. EDIT: Oh, yeah, Windcharger. Never saw him either.
There's honestly only a few I've never seen but wanted. Windcharger, obviously, is at the top of that list. But I can do without now since the United announcement. Then those Universe Legends- Wheelie, Cosmos, etc. Never ONCE saw them in retail. I ended up getting Wheelie from someone who managed to find one. And then got the Henkei versions some time ago.
I never found RtS Windcharger at retail. Had to buy him online. Other than that, a lot of Alternators were never seen by me. I saw the first assortment several times at my store, but nothing past the 2nd. I also still have yet to see the last two pack series of PCC in any store.
^^ Oh yeah! Well, can't say I really want Heavytread and Skyhammer that bad, but I'd buy them if I saw them. Ever.
classics windcharger, hound, cyclonus, ratchet, smokescreen, Perceptor, Kup, G2 Prime, WreckGar, the last 2 PCC combiners, Highbrow, MP Grimlock, MP G1 Starscream and many many more
Alternators Rumble MP Grimlock (TRU) RTS Windcharger TFA Wreck-Gar TFA Shockwave (Target exclusive purple)
Animated Cliffjumper RTS Windcharger(Finally made a trade for one) RTS Legends Optimus, Megatron and Trailbreaker(Still looking, though) EDIT: Haven't found Heavytread or Undertow yet, either, but I'm still looking for those too.
Ah, I forgot about those. I got a lone Cosmos at a store but NEVER saw him or the rest of the wave ever again. Got the rest off ebay before the value went nuts.