So everyone said Terrorcon CJ had the hood piece break off. That happened to my REGULAR FIRST RUN CJ. The place that holds the hinge snapped in two on both sides. I can't post pics now because I'm in the process of re-gluing it. Anyone else had this problem? Kinda dissapointed, I'm thinking it might have been the weather, it got really cold last night and was pretty warm this morning.
I imagine that part will break on every single copy of that mold eventually, if people transform them enough.
No Problems with any of My FE cliffys (Have Takara FE, Terrorcon Cliff & GDO Cliff and they are all fine) but my First Edition Vehicon has the mother of all cracks in it's back window. The only issue I have to cliffy is getting all the parts to tab in properly in car mode is a bit hit and miss. Frankly I don't see why it would break off it's not a part under any stress it's not tight unless you dropped it on it's back from waist height onto a tile floor I can's see what would break it. Unless the pin stressed the surrounding plastic when it was assembled perhaps - but no stress marks on any of my 3. and I play with them "a lot" especially Terrorcon Cliff and FE cliff. I wish you'd put this in the feedback thread as now i'll be paranoid about playing with them and they were some of my favourites.
It would just appear the reissue FE's all have some sort of QC. Though I have an original FE, Takara Terrocon, and FE Terrocon, and they are all fine, and I've played with them quite a lot.
I heard about this so I was extra careful when I got mine. I held the part at the hinge when I turned it rather than the grill/horns area. It was kind of tight but nothing broke and there are no stress marks. And just to be safe he's staying in robot mode, same as GDO Cliff.
BTW does the new 2nd/1st edition Terrorcon (Hasbro) Cliffjumper still have stickers for his battle damage or is it tampographed on now ?
i was inspecting my usa terrorcon. there are two small tabs which must be pushed inward before the headlights can be brought down or the piece will break. it is very hard to see in the instructions. it looks like you're supposed to pull the headlights down instead of pushing the two small tabs inwards. they should have really put a warning on this part in the instructions. this is still going to result in a lot of broken cliff jumpers. personally i would not touch the front grill/horn piece at all, and rather just push the two small tabs inwards and pull down the headlights.