Eew... the Ralph Bakshi one? The one so badly rotoscoped, some scenes look like live action video in Sega CD codec and ends before the battle at Helms Deep even begins because they ran out of money to finish it? Orcs chanting at Helm's Deep (Bakshi) - YouTube
Yeah, Return of the King....was getting pretty sick of Frodo by the time that one came out. It was time for Frodo to go.. Two Towers would be my 2nd choice, lots of great scenes and special effects in that one too.
Two towers is probly my fav I absolutely love the beginning of the movie. We get these big sweeping beautiful shots of the mountains before going inside to the point of the story where gandalf is fighting the balrog <3 We're first introduced to gollum We get to see treebeard and the ents Gandalf is back/reborn as gandalf the white And then theres helms deep Absolutely loved it. (The others are awesome too tho. Hard to pick!)
indeed. that is vastly more impressive to me then the modern cgi ones. i also like the hobbit, and return of the king. as well. they're also vastly shorter.
Even though I really love all three of the LOTR films as well as the recent Hobbit film, I always have a bit of a soft spot for The Two Towers especially since this is the first LOTR movie that I saw when it came on TV for the first time several years back which is also the film that ultimately got me into Lord Of The Rings not only as a film franchise, but as the overall fandom as well. Also really got Bionicle in that same year.
Fellowship was always my favorite because it sets up the story perfectly and still has a feeling of adventure. Return of the King is my second favorite because it has a great pay off at the end and there were lots of great battles. I just wish that they left in the scene where Saruman died and the scene where the guy at the Black Gate tells everyone that Frodo is dead. Two Towers is still a great movie, but the pacing is a little off in this one. Fellowship of the Ring and Return of the King didn't feel long to me because they had great pacing. Two Towers slows down quite a bit around the end of the first act and I nearly fell asleep watching every time since the first. They're all still ten out of ten movies for me, but Fellowship of the Ring remains my favorite.
Tie between Two Towers and Return of the King. They both have elements I like a lot, and overall I like Return of the King a bit more, but the extremely long ending hurts it just a tiny bit.
My favorite is the one made by Peter Jackson. I usually consider all three parts to be one super long epic movie - "The Lord of the Rings". Which part do I like the best....ooooooh that is really hard to decide. I'd probably say "Return of the King" but it is a VERY small margin between the three.
I picked Return of the King because it is the closest to book (except the scouring of the shire.) . Two Towers has the elves at the battle of helms deep which I hated.
Coming from a non mega fan of the series, I liked the Two Towers the best. Fellowship seems like one big set up, and then it ends. Granted, I didn't know it was a trilogy the first time I saw it, so I was all "WTF!" Return of the King, I thought the big battle was a a Helmsdeep rehash. Same thing, different location. Then a long ass ending that I didn't care for.