Hey everyone. I've been working on a g1ish/movie verse Slipstream using the top gun maverick mold. I chose wing colors to be purple outside with the inner parts turqouise to match the rest of the jet and so that the decals that I put on her would show better. Before I clear coat her though, I was thinking should leave her wings as they are and put the decals on them or flip the colors to her original design?
I couldn’t decide!!! Both sound fantastic, and I’m loving the choice of character/mold and color lay out. Like if it’s more Animated in your mind go more purple dominate, however if maybe you are feeling Cyberversie? The more Turquoise the better.
I think keeping the wings as they are helps the turquoise stay prominent enough to not be completely overpowered by the purple.
Thanks. Most customs of this mold were made into robotech veritechs which is totally cool and a little obvious.
Thank you. The purple/turquoise have won so I'm about to clear coat her now before i put decals on her. More pics soon
Thanks! I'd definitely start with a legacy prime bumblebee, a better knockout, and a BBM earthmode seeker( the f15 version.)
A bbm hound from jeep bumblebee is next. Only problem is that his head may have to be cut almost in half to fit.