I have a masterpiece Convoy that is in mint condition. it was opened and removed from the box and displayed. the carboard trailer was never touched and everything is complete. I hate to sell it but i have to. HE IS SOLD!! I also have the following alternators for sale, all without boxes and in good condition (C8) Grimlock Windcharger Tracks Hound Silverstreak Meister Wheeljack Shockwave updated sold items removed. make an offer!!!
btw, this is the takara die cast prime in case some are wondering. I have beed offered $120 for prime so that is the area i am looking at as far as price
just so everyone is aware ... I am going by what i see on e-bay as far as prices are concerned. for example, i have seen alt tracks, open with box, going for $40-$50 so i am going on a figure of $30-$35 for him, same with miester. if this seems out of whack please let me know. MP-1 Convoy I can only find MISB on ebay and they usually have high prices of $180. I figure somewhere around $120-$130 seems fair. For people looking to get multiple things i will try to make the deal a little sweeter, but i really do need the money
silverstreak is back on the block, also i found the instructions for shockwave/shoclblast, meister, hound, and windcharger