Greetings, 1st time I had a crack at making Emirate Xarron it was my 1st custom about 2 years ago I think. But thanks to everyone on here sharing there tips and tricks I've learnt a great deal since then so here is mk2 from a different mold and for a different scale to ho along side my wreckers. I'd already modified generations Ironhide to attempt to improve him overall, still wasn't overstruck with him so he was my base. I ended up taking a lot of him off to create a more accurate shape all over but also careful with every step to try and keep as much articulation as possible throughout. Originally I wanted to keep the light piping but as you can see it wasn't very effective with the new head sculpt so to avoid the most of the time dead eyes look just painted them in the end. I drew up an idea of what I was after front , side, back and 3d views but the head was difficult to pick as you will see in the comic images he has 2 different styles so went with the higher side version over the higher crown/battlements version. Hes not the best custom I've done and if i did home again I'd probably use a Megatron mold to make life a lot easier but sometimes you just have to work with what you got.
The first lot of paint wasn't quite enough to finish so went back after these pics to add more to finish....
I didn't think at points I was gonna pull it off hes still a little chunky in places I had to remove a lot of Ironhide to try and get him down to the right shape.