I mean, over $90? I haven't seen its scale so I don't know if it's a small figure or a large figure. I want it not only as a Transformers fan, but I saw the 80's Ghostbusters movie in theaters as a kid. I loved Echo-1. I even had made a custom Echo-1 Transformer back in 2004 off of an Echo-1 model I bought and modified. I lost it in my various moves through the years sadly. But this guy will make up for that.
Depends if it's worth it to you? It's apparently a HEAVY CW hot spot retool so about that size. Obviously a bit beefier. Personally for that price, I would pass but IF I had more disposable income would consider it and throw it on a credit card
I was afraid of that. Maybe if I can get it cheaper somewhere. But $90 is outta my price-range. Thanks.
That's almost double the price on other websites that have it for preorder right now. You can get it for around $40 on other sites, here's some links to said sites: Transformers Generations Ectotron Ecto-1 Transformers Generations Ghostbusters Ecto-1 Ectotron - Entertainment Earth Transformers Ghostbusters Ecto-1 Ectotron All of these sites have it for $40-$42 + Shipping, so I recommend you buy Ectotron from these instead of Amazon, even if it takes a little longer because of the preorder wait.
It's been out long enough I wouldnt have guessed it still available elsewhere. For 40 I would bite based on what you said. I borderline considered it but cant really find a place in my collection even as cool as it is.
I've noticed Amazon is asking way way too much for their Transformers figures. And not just old ones or specials either. The new releases in stores like Wal-Mart on a couple of them are between $20-40, but on Amazon it's like $50-70 for the same figure PLUS the shipping cost.
Dorksidetoys is also an option, they're a smaller outfit but still reliable. Transformers Generations Ghostbusters Ecto 1 Ectontron Action Figure
Ectotron is definitely a get! I have 2, one for the 1st movie and one I’m going to turn into an Ecto 1A. Those prices are from 3rd Party Sellers and are fulfilled by Amazon. Amazon keeps their price at or below the competition usually.
If you want to see price flux, a first search at camelcamelcamel: I've never heard of Keepa, but check this out. Seems to have a little more history added: I'd then hit up HasbroPulse to get MSRP. If it's not there, check out other stores. BBTS usually has a few dollars added on, but keep prices relatively similar to MSRP. Pay $42, tax, and $4 to ship.... it'll be like 52? Save yourself $40. Get another figure for $40. While this figure is pretty much close to 1 of a kind, you gotta ask yourself if it's got any value for you. Whether you flip it or keep it, what's important about him? Just collecting so you have him? That's ok. Trying to flip him? Get the cheaper one. Must have him to complete your collection? If you snooze on the $42 price, might want to jump at the $90 one. Seems cheaper than the $200 price point. Depends on your finances, if you have Amazon gift cards, or not. Personally, I have this guy. He fulfills my Ghostbusters need.
All I'll say is take advice from these fellow members cause they will really help you save money. At 90$ for that figure is just completely out of this world and wrong to buy at that cost. Also try GameStop cause i know they had it too.
There are a lot of people that only buy from Amazon now and nowhere else. A lot of people would barely blink an eye at 80$ if it is a gift for someone.
I think $35-$45 (before shipping and tax) is fair because of alt mode and the ip. A jada 1:24 scale ghostbusters ecto-1 cadillac sells for about $25 as a movie nostalgia display piece, no electronics, no slimer or accessories and doesnt transform. (Granted a large part of it is diecast). The ectotron comes with slimer, accessories, is a transformable figure, and its alt cadillac mode is just as nice as a display piece as jada toys model is, (jada being known for their car models).