I hope this is the right place to post this, but something that bothers me about alot of transformers on eBay is that people don't photograph both modes. I'm always worried there's some paint problem or something I can't see. New thing I'd appreciate: joint description, I rarely see it
They really shouldn't call this forum "Transformers Feedback." Feedback about what? Just "Transformers Reviews" would be better, or maybe even "Transformers Toy Reviews."
I get kinda paranoid about pictures, too. Gotta have a front and a back shot of both modes, compare them to Seibrrrrrrrrr-- a fansite's extensive photo gallery, look up what parts get easily lost.... then finally decide it's probably complete. Even worse is when a seller uses stock photos. Or that certain other fansite's photos. Or that digibash I myself made to guess at what a repaint might look like (which turned out to be incorrect). Or their own photo of someone else's eBay listing (as in, clearly a photo of a computer screen). Seriously, I've seen the last two happen.
I have been guilty of only photographing one mode. Usually I post robot mode, vehicle mode, and then a picture with all the accessories, but the more figures I post, the fewer pictures I take. I've spent hours upon hours photographing 50 figures in one mode, then transforming all of them, then photographing the other mode. Not to mention writing up the descriptions. I've assumed: 1) if you're looking at the auction, you already know what the figure looks like, and 2) my description would suffice. If photos of both modes (or lack thereof) could make or break someone bidding, then I'll certainly add all the pictures I need!