I didn’t find a thread for this, but Hickman’s East of West ended today. This really was a well done book. Anyone else read this one?
It’s on my list to read, I’ve got the first four volumes on Comixology Unlimited. But I don’t have the rest, my progress on my Image list has been slow.
It was a good ending but I was expecting a more wholesale turnover of the regimes in power. I was more or less satisfied with everyone’s arcs but it seemed to drag things out forever and then wrap up almost everything in a pretty satisfying way. I feel like Wolf and Crow’s arc was a little weird and half-baked. Crow was just there at the end but not even a character anymore. And I really don’t get why the Kingdom and Endless nation get sort of a pass on the “end of the world.” Plays out more or less exactly the way you’d expect definitely a great comic despite the fact that in this case Hickman bit off a little more than he could chew and was clearly delaying for a year or so as he worked on other things. Now if he could just get back to Black Monday Murders....
The Dying and the Dead is what I want him to get back to. That’s been really slow to go. And he’s launching another new series. I went back and reread it all prior to the last arc. As I was reading it the first time I thought it was moving slowly. The reread back to back made me realize the story moved at a fast clip. It was that long delay between issues.