Ever since I got siege magnus I've always felt that the core bot was lackluster as he was (in my opinion) too chunky. So with the announcement of 86 prime I thought "hey why not paint the earthrise one"? So here we are. I applied 2 coats of primer but it didnt stick too well on the legs... Oh well. Just got the right forearm, the windows, and the front of his head done for now but I'll be posting updates as I go.
Yeah, obviously white is harder to paint on but it came out surprisingly well. Just add some more coats to the legs?
Ohhh dang, he looks really good. Even the blue peaking through gives Classic Magnus vibes more so than Optimus so they look awesome.
This looks intriguing. Also, band rehearsal? What instrument (I'm a percussionist for my high school band, so I've gotta ask).
UPDATE #1 Finished up the left arm, thighs, smokestacks, ab area/grill, and head, starting to work on the hips but I'll finish some time tomorrow as I have school
Great custom so far but I HIGHLY recommend thinning your paints so it is not super goopy and thick when you paint it on the figure but if you thin your paints and paint the figure in layers then it will keep all the details and it will have a nice even white coat.
Yea I kindve forgot to thin the primer so it looks a little goopy in certain areas but I plan to go over it the details with an xacto knife
I was thinking the same thing! Though that bleed-through of the blue is unwanted, it really kinda accidentally works for this!
Another tip for making details pop is to use panel line ink. It is an ink that goes into all the little details so they pop more. They use this stuff all the time in model kits and most specifically gundam model kits.
I actually have this! But I don't plan on using it because I'm displaying this next to my 86 bots and I haven't really panel lined them and I like having everything look somewhat cohesive.
Well let me rephrase it, the primer I used wasn't really meant for plastic, it's for automotive use and it didnt really dry so well in certain spots as it was either too goopy or it came off(ex: the legs)
UPDATE #2 Small update today as I barely just got home but I managed to finish up the crotch and start on the left leg and right forearm. Theres gonna be little progress for the next 3-4 days due to school but I'll post when I can