I have a E-Prime (No Mouth) and E-Wing Saber for trade, I am hoping to trade them together, they are loose with tight joints, and come with boxes, inserts, comics, instructions, missles and so forth, they were only used for display, so heres what I'm looking for- Alternators Grimlock Wheeljack Swerve Galaxy Force Vector Prime Starscream Cybertron Armorhide Brimstone/Terrashaver Chromia Sideways Autovolt(Forgot his USA Name looks like a black Audi) Redalert Jetfire Dark Scorponok Universe Urban/Artic Camo Ruination Beast Wars Transmetal Megatron MISB ONLY PLEASE Japanese Tigatron Airazor G1 Astrotrain Blitzwing Ramjet (BODY ONLY) Thrust Any Decepticon cassettes aside from Buzzsaw Or PM me with an offer if you want to buy them, thanks
Sorry I dont, but you can check my ebay feedback, as well as my feedback here at tfw, my ebay feedback here http://feedback.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback&userid=rolexroman&ssPageName=STRK:ME:UFS