Animated at CN Studios by *EJ-Su on deviantART Kind of hard to see, but yeah. Interesting. EDIT: Click the "Download" button on the page to see the full sized file.
I really like the slightly more human-ish faces in those preliminary designs. They would make a great show style!
I should also point out something I noticed; On the top right of those sketches, beside the Bulkhead-esque head designs, I think those are concept designs for Jetfire and Jetstorm. Note Jetfire's pilot goggles. And I recognize Jetstorm's odd helmet, as the artist known as Cheeks drew concept art for them using those head designs. The human-like noses intrigue me. I wonder if they started out giving normal noses like previous TF designs had, but decided to go with the "nose-is-part-of-the-helmet" design quirk to be more unique.
That Prime design is even more Batman then the one we got. I like the Bulkhead one but he looks a bit too monstery.