Student who electrocuted his nipples sues teacher... for not warning him it was dangerous Actually, I think 'dumbass' is being too kind. I'm almost sorry this numpty didn't die and remove himself from the gene pool.
Wow...I had a fifth grade student stick a paper clip in an electric socket once. He then told me he didn't do it, despite half a paper clip still sticking out of the socket and the other half still in his hand. <checks name above> Nope. Different dumbass.
Ha ha! The same thing happend in my science class. This asshole grabbed a copper wire and stuck it in a socket for fun. Miraculously, he wasn't hurt, but he managed to blow out the power. I wouldn't mind if he did himself in, because he was always bullying me. ¬_¬
I recently wrote a 12-second song that fits perfectly with this.
Reminds me of this time when I was in shop class. I was planeing a piece of rough wood too fast and I blew the breaker to the entire lab. On topic, This guy's stupidity is to blame. Wonder if it's possible to sue yourself for intentional Stupidity?
It takes common sense to know that you don't do something like that. But I have to agree with the rest of ya he's a dumbass.
Kinda like that dumb bitch who sued McDonalds over the hot coffee she spilled on herself. I think I'll crush my finger with a hammer and sue the manufacturer for making exceptionally good tools.
It STILL amazes me that there are people this stupid walking around our planet. I know it shouldn't be a suprise but, damn. Maybe the teacher should counter-sue the parents for not teaching their kid that electricity is dangerous. I yell at my kid all the time for trying to play with power cords.
Or the perception of lawyers (says the lawyer that is absolutely disgusted by this idiotic lawsuit). It is kind of like the trial I was involved in where a woman bent over to pick something upand then stood up and hit her head on the corner of a tile display in a major home improvement store. She was able to get a decent settlement out of it because it was cheaper to pay her off and settle the case than to actually win at trial. That aspect of practicing law can be a little frustrating.