I didn't see anything sexist about it at first glance; based on the clothing and pose, I'd guess it's supposed to be evocative of making snow angels. However, thinking about it a little, I think having the woman crotch roughly at the center of the 'target' could be a subliminal message.
I'll tell you what I think. I think Minneapolis mother of two Lisa Ray needs to find something more productive to do with her obviously excessive amounts of free time.
No. That's just ******ed for that mother to say that. Now if she had on black leather and had a whip in her hand, that'd be a different story, but as she is, I see nothing wrong.
I doubt I would have seen any "subliminal message" in it if it hadn't been suggested to me beforehand. Kinda like Zeppelin's little toolshed.
I think it's pretty damn funny once you think about it. I highly doubt their intentions were "sexist" but it does make the 12 year old in me laugh.
I think the mother just needs a little RAAAAAAAPE. srsly though, she needs to do something actually productive.
I wouldn't have thought anything if I had seen this without seeing this topic first. I don't see how it's sexist, but I can see someone with a broader imagination than they're willing to admit to having, finding a problem with it.
>_> <_< BULLSEYE Now that we got that out of the way...no, its not sexist, maybe coincidental though... Even still, its winter attire, and not very provocative winter attire at that. DN
I just want to know where the "Hot redhead" aisle is at Target.... Is that because the Internet is "SERIOUS BUSINESS!!1111"?