I'd find it hard to believe they didn't know exactly what they were doing with this one. The bad pun gives them plausible deniability (what double-entendre?).
Kinda looks like Yogi's about to chow down on Boo-Boo's head. Still think it's weird that Timberlake sounds more like Boo-Boo than Aykroyd does as Yogi.
Is it wrong that the first thing that came to mind was "SURPRISE BUTTSECKS"? That is pretty disturbing.
Well there goes my innocence, and my interest in plastic robots. Now i'll have to grow up and do something better with my time. *Leaves forever*
Escpecially with the tag line 'Great things come in bears' Couple that with the surprised look on Booboo face... eek.
I cant stop laughing at this; I get thoughts of the Smoky the bear sketch from Robot Chicken and the bear from Family Guy that ran off with the teacher
Hehehehe..."come". Y'know, even without the tagline, it wouldn't be any better...even without Booboo in the poster it wouldn't be any better. Well...it might be slightly better but even just Yogi is creepy as all hell.
You made me laugh, so lol to you. I wonder if the sequal will be titled "Bear Back" or "Sh!t in the Woods".
Yogi Bear is going to suck and give me nightmares. Their so many bears i've come to fear such as Pedobear, Lotso Huggin Bear and Hell even the care Bears. But Yogi Bear is their evil master. *Shudders in the fear*