Devastator (Transformers) Combined "Revenge Of The Fallen" Constructicons and 2007 " MOVIE" Mudflap as Devastator in G1 format, here with original G1 counterpart and POTP Predaking for size reference.
Looks pretty cool. The head is from a Starscream, huh? Do the individual bots still transform? And is everything connected in combined mode or did you just stack some of the components?
Great idea,very clever. It's cool to see parts of supreme class figures being used on a combiner again. Nice work!
I always like it if they keep their transformability. Do you have a concept for the combiner parts (Starscream's head and wings, Primus' forearms etc.) when the individual members are not combined? And are the green hips a part of Longhaul? Because they have two tires that don't look like his. Sorry for being that curious but I'm always interested how stuff works and your Devastator intrigues me pretty much in this way.
Very nice looking so far! I really like that nostalgic feeling I get from the Supreme Starscream head!