Anyone here watched the first season? I have to say it was one of the most enjoyable shows I've seen. Anyone know anything about a dvd release?
It was good for entertainment but I don't think it was as scientific as they would like us to believe.
It was based solely on the impact data from the weapons. Any strength or skill variables are not taken into account. That's why the ninja lost to the spartan... they placed the two in a frontal assault scenario, which is entirely against the ninja's MO. I've watched about 6-8 eps and I've been able to call the winner of every one of them in the opening segment... And I don't have a complex software program from slitherin studios to do it... It's fun watching guys hit tings with swords... but the show is about as scientific as a creationist museum
There are so many variables they leave out that i can't take the show seriously. Not to mention tactics. for example: The NVA/VC used tunnels, used bamboo booby traps, and even used our own booby traps against us (hence Claymore mines were later painted on the "lethal" side.) they stripped down dud bombs and everuthing that wasn't nailed down and put it to use. Hell, i learned how to make a simple shotgun from a pipe, nail and a strong rubber band from a history book. One last element was that the VC were out to primarily wound and maim, rather than kill outright, which was a psychological tactic. all this proves that sometimes, will and determination can kick a superior-equipped adversary. contrary to the show's analysis. But damn, watching what a grenade can do to a washing machine gave me new respect for the old Pineapple, lol. And i can buy one of those combat "latrine diggers" from a Surplus store not far from here and whack melons all summer! Hoo-rah! This show is like getting news from TMZ.
The matchups bother me greatly. I can't think of anyone that wouldn't rather have seen the Knight go against say, the samurai or something comparable. Putting a medieval warrior against a gunpowder age one seems completely lopsided and even the way they tested the pirates weapons against the knight's armor was bunk. I dunno, the show always seems to rub me the wrong way.
I watched it for the first time the other day while running on the treadmill, seemed entertaining enough for me