Dark Horse Comics Reacts to Disney's "Star Wars" Purchase - Comic Book Resources Since Disney just bought LucasFilms. In time, Im sure the comics will go the way Disney's comics went (From Boom to Marvel). Good to see its staying at DH for the time being as i've enjoyed reading the comics. Im looking forward to Brian Woods' Star Wars ongoing in Jan. But i also see it doing wonders for SW comics as a whole as Marvel is more mainstream then DH.
My guess is, SW will stick with Dark Horse for a while. Boom's Disney titles didn't end until recently, so DH has a good year or two to put out some more of their SW stuff. Hopefully Marvel will do a good job with SW and other Lucasfilm properties. They have had little interest in doing licensed comics these days unlike the 80s and early 90s, but this one, like Disney would be different now, since they're technically under the same company now.
I see what you did there. But yeah, there are previous contracts/arrangements that must be honored, but once they expire, you can be sure that Marvel will once again be producing Star Wars comics. My bet is within 5-10 years. At the very least, I'm sure that Marvel would get the inevitable comic tie-in/adaptation to the upcoming movie.
Would you believe me if I said that was accidentally? True, but I wonder if the fans of Dark Horse's Star Wars well fallow and what this well mean for Dark Horse's future.
I'd like it if both Marvel and Dark Horse were publishing Star Wars at the same time. If one company publishing Star Wars can make money, then two companies will make twice as much.
The legalities of such a thing are so convoluted and impossible to see light I fully expect this not to happen. Logically, Dark Horse will eventually fade. I suspect Disney would prefer to have Marvel make their products as it could potentially lead to greater sales numbers. (Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Dark Horse charge IDW Prices on their books for Star Wars... I mean isn't it like 5$ a book or more as opposed to the much cheaper mainline Marvel/DC books? If Marvel were publishing again the price would be less, thus more readers might jump on the bandwagon.) I haven't bought a Star Wars comic in years due to the high cost, and am even trying to purge my collection in favor of TPBs, if Marvel's in charge I'd hope to see cheaper prices since Disney owns both Lucasfilm and Marvel.
Nope. All Dark Horse's licenced books are $2.99 or $3.50, Marvel is $2.99 minimum and $3.99 for the stuff that sells the most. Yes, You read that right - Marvel charges more money for books they print in greater volume and the same money for properties they own themselves as Dark Horse charges for ones they have to pay other people to use.
That doesn't stop DC from putting out 2 Batman comics every week. But maybe I shouldn't apply my idea to something like Star Wars where stories have to be shoehorned between movies. I'll just say it like it is and say Dark Horse will keep Star Wars as long as San Diego will keep Comic Con.