D&D 5e Homebrew TF Race

Discussion in 'RPG and Games Forum' started by Alpha Minor 128, Sep 8, 2019.



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  1. Alpha Minor 128

    Alpha Minor 128 Semi-Lurker Extraordinaire

    Oct 23, 2017
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    The idea came about from a combination of boredom and wanting something a little different from the other homebrew Transformer race I've seen.

    The Cybertronians, also known as the Transformers, have been waging war for centuries. They have spent eons upgrading and evolving for greater efficiency in combat.

    Cybertronians once had a thriving society before the war. Due to the eons of combat, most of their history and culture has been lost. Science as far of the art of combat is concerned, is thriving. All other areas, not so much.

    In most cases, Cybertronians are immortal if they are not killed in combat or run out of energy. They are not prone to disease, as there are very few that can affect them, and they do not die of old age.

    Cybertronians Massively range in size. While most are the height of a two story building, many are not much larger than humans. Very few however, are much taller than three stories, unless their alternate mode makes such changes. Your size is Medium to Huge

    Stat Bonuses
    All Cybertronions have a +2 to Constitution.

    Languages: Cybertronians learn languages of the planet they land on fairly quickly, and tend to know it before hand to ensure ease of communication. Cybertronians also have their own language, using symbols for their writing instead of letters, more closely resembling dwarvish script, although unintelligible to those who don’t spend a long period of time learning it. Cybertronians know Common, Cybertronian, and one other language.

    As their more common name, the transformers, would suggest, the Cybertronians can change their form, or transform. While there are many different uses, the result is always the same. They alter their exterior form to make them appear as any other solid object.

    A Cybertonian character starts out with no alt. Mode. They can ‘scan’ any object or creature, smaller than gargantuan, and take on it’s form. They alter their size to be exact same as the object they scanned.

    While in this form, they have to alter themselves to make them share strength and dexterity scores.

    Any abilities that form is physically capable of doing, is still usable. For example, if you turn into a gorilla, you can still use a sword, but not of you turn into a car.

    A Transformer can still talk while in their alternate mode, thusly allowing them to use the verbal components of all spells.

    Most of the time a Cybertronian also gains the attributes of the creature or object they turned into, but this should be at the GMs discretion.

    A Transformer can never have more than one alt. Mode at a time. To scan a new alt. Mode, the Cybertronian must do a hard system reset, which erases all data acquired. This sets them back to level one. So choose your alternate mode wisely.

    A Cybertronians alternate mode is practically indistinguishable from the genuine article. It is impossible to tell the difference between the two without either cutting them open, or being told so.

    Natural Armor

    All Cybertonians, due to their nature as metal beings, have natural armor. This is further detailed in the Subrace 2 section.

    Integrated Weapon/Tool

    The Cybertronians have upgraded themselves to have their weapons built into them. These can be any weapon, and they have expertise in their weapon.

    There is also the option, instead of a weapon, to have a tool integrated into them. While this isn’t as common due to their war like nature, it is possible. These tools are also treated with expertise.

    Energy Cells
    Due to their nature as an alien construct, they do not need humanoid food or water. However, they do need some form of energy. Instead, they have cells that can be charged by electricity. When hit by a lightning attack, they can absorb the damage into their cells. After this, they cannot use this ability again until used for sustenance. The cells cannot be used for healing, and they must be charged and used once a day, or they will face exhaustion.

    Subrace 1
    The Cybertronians factions are heavily divided. This affects alignment, and interaction with other species.


    The Autobots believe that freedom is the right of all sentient beings. They have fought the Decepticons for centuries. Very few, if not no Autobots are neutral, always believing in doing the right thing for everyone.
    Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion and Stealth


    The Decepticons fight for peace through tyranny. They have subjugated, conquered, and slaughtered entire worlds. Their destruction knows no end. They are however, master deceivers, some better than others. Many worlds have come to fear the name Megaron, and all those who follow him. The Decepticons are always evil.
    Skill Proficiencies: Deception and Intimidation


    Non-Affiliated Indiginous Lifeform. The NAILs are those who left Cybertron at some point during the war. Either before they ever picked a faction, or deserting their cause later on. Most NAILs are neutral,but some are good. None of them however are evil.
    Skill Proficiencies: Survival and Stealth

    Subrace 2
    Due to their nature as robots, they all have designs for specific functions. This will generally influence what they turn into.

    These Cbertronians designs are built for speed. While very few are weak, none are slow. They are the foot soldiers and scouts. Genericons and spies. They are the backbone of the war effort. Due to many of them being the generic soldiers on a battlefield and scouts/spies, their armor is lower than Destroyers and Titans, but higher than a Scientist.
    Recommended Alt. Mode: Car, Horse, Wolf.
    Stat Bonus: +1 Dexterity
    Natural Armor: 11+Dexterity Mod.
    Movement: 40ft Speed

    The second most common design on Cybertron, brute Cybertronians are more powerful in design than scouts and scientist's,, but weaker than Titans. However, destroyers and titans generally share common alternate modes. Due to their design as frontline fighters, Destroyers have a fairly high AC. It’s not as high as a Titans, but still formidable.
    Recommended Alt. Mode: Truck, Bison, Gorilla
    Stat Bonus: +1 Wisdom
    Natural Armor: 13+Dexterity Mod.
    Movement: 30ft Speed

    This group is built for power. They are stronger than the Destroyers, but often (But not always) not as wise. The Titans and destroyers often share common alternate modes. This group is built for power. As such they also have some of the thickest armor.
    Recommended Alt. Mode: Tank, Tyrannosaurus, Dragon.
    Stat Bonus: +1 Strength
    Natural Armor: 13+Dexterity Mod.+Constitution Mod.
    Movement: 30ft Speed

    These Cybertronians are made for flight. While most are scientists, some are simply air warriors.

    (Only class that can fly when in alternate mode capable of doing so.) Due to the fact that they are built for flight, their armor is very weak compared to their fellow Cybertornians.
    Recommended Alt. Mode: Jet, Hawk.
    Stat Bonus: +1 Dexterity
    Natural Armor: 8+Dexterity Mod.
    Movement: 40ft Movement