If old, ya know what to do Full Metal Hero - DOTM cyberverse Soundwave in hand pics Full Metal Hero - In Hand Images Of DOTM Cyberverse Commander Powerglide Repaint
soundwave we have seen... http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/trans...59630-dotm-cyberverce-soundwave-hand-pic.html Powerglide is a first i believe.
that powerglide is from the 5 pack we saw at SDCC i believe first in-hand photo we have seen to my knowledge
Well, I wish the Powerglide was a Decepticon (nothing some slight decal modifications can't fix). But that Soundwave is tiny love.
Soundwave looks alright, if a bit akward. Will pick him up though. Powerglide is a skip unless his pegging together problem has been fixed.
Powerglide's pretty neat, though I'm surprised he's still Powerglide. Seeing as he's packed with three figures I couldn't care less about, I can't imagine I'll get this. Though I would like to see a decent picture of the Crowbar in the set... it looks very Eradicon-y.