Cybertron Surgery G1 GALVATRON 3d printed cannon barrel.

Discussion in 'Transformers 3rd Party Reviews' started by Chaos Prime, Jun 7, 2021.

  1. Chaos Prime

    Chaos Prime Combaticon

    Sep 2, 2004
    Trophy Points:
    I've had this Galvatron since 1990-something when I got it incomplete at a yard sale. Ever since I never got around to completing it until this year, thanks to ebay.
    Bit the cannon barrel was impossible to find, so I decided to risk a 3d printed version through Cybertron Surgery.
    (Link below)
    Diorama & Display

    It took a little over a month to arrive to me from Australia.
    I paid for one, and got two (I suspect one was print error so I got it from free).

    There was a catch, the peg was about a milliliter to wide so I couldn't attach it to either Galvatron's arm cannon, or the alt mode.

    I took my Dremmel and shaved off some it and now it fits much better.

    I'm a little unsure about the long-term durability of the cannon barrel; it's solid orange plastic (maybe it's painted?) I can't really tell because the flawed one had a black base color, but the good one was still orange after I shaved them both down.

    It feels solid enough, and will make an appropriate substitute until I can get an authentic barrel.

    Though it is nice to finally see what G1 Galvatron looked like in his prime. IMG_20210605_205359360.jpg IMG_20210605_205352267.jpg IMG_20210605_205737923.jpg IMG_20210605_205729659.jpg IMG_20210605_205546435.jpg IMG_20210605_205546435.jpg IMG_20210605_205940620.jpg