Not too late, but here it is, although with lower quality this week (sorry): Cybertron - 35 - Memory.avi As always, please seed for awhile when done
Once again, thank you, ep is great so far. I would like to know if Nemesis Breaker is ever going to talk though.
Will d/l and seed for as long as possible. Thanks as always DP. I get the feeling Nemesis Breaker probably wont talk, much like Dark Ligerjack didnt in GF. But hey, i COULD be wrong lol...
Possible Spoiler below Sideways has a G1 Soundwave radio, and watches T.V!!! anyone else notice when Starscream is hooked up to his cable's, he sounds like he's underwater? Thanks for the episode Dark Prime, even though there was way too much of the kid's in this one.