Minor/Repaint: Customising figures for the first time – paint only

Discussion in 'Radicons Customs' started by the oaf, Nov 14, 2016.

  1. the oaf

    the oaf Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2015
    Trophy Points:
    A state of limbo between London and NZ
    As you get fussier with your collection, you’ll finally get to a point where you realize you may not get the figure you want/need to fill that hole in your display. That’s the point I’ve reached, but I reckon that can be remedied with a little bit of paintwork.

    Firstly, I wanted a voyager scale Hubcap for my Wreckers display, with a Cybertronian alt. mode. I’m pretty sure that I’m unlikely to see that wish fulfilled anytime soon, either officially or via a 3rd party… so, I’ve picked up a WFC Generations Bumblebee, which should fill the gap quite nicely with a few paint apps to his face. Obviously, I’d ideally like a Hubcap head to swap for Bumblebee’s own, but painting the face red will be the next best thing.

    Secondly, I’ve bought Printformers Rotorstorm upgrade for Generations Whirl, and it’s perfect aside from two incorrect colours from the donor figure – the rotor blades and canopy “glass” are yellow, when they should be red.

    So, what advice can anyone give a noob regarding adding paint? What’s the best type of paint to use for the rotors and face, and the best way of applying it? Regarding the clear plastic, is it even possible to recolour it, and if so, how? If need be, I’ll recolour it a solid colour anyway, but I’m guessing it a different type of plastic to the solid pieces and therefore may have different properties.