CUSTOM Transformers G1 BRUTICUS Universe Classic Series - eBay (item 170337790138 end time Jun-06-09 22:24:28 PDT) what do you guys think? I think the Bruticus mode is pretty cool. I'm not fond of the add on on parts, and lack of modding to the individual bot modes. But pretty cool custom
I agree, it looked good until I saw the individual bots. Those were pretty lame. Looks like they were just out to make a Bruticus and didn't care in the slightest about the indiviual characters. And that's a shame.
Bruticus looks great--very G1-toon styled. The Combaticons, as you guys mention, lack a LOT. At the very least, a new headsculpt would help things out greatly. I literally can't see Brawl while staring at a Megatron noggin'. The paint apps look good, but with all the detail-oriented work involved in the Bruticus mods (chest, head, optics, etc.), why drop the ball on headsculpts or head swaps? I can't knock it, it does look great--it could be that much better with different heads and maybe a slightly larger Vortex (that mold is a bit small for those huge Unicron forearms and hands). The thing that irks me most about these guys is the fact that most never post these on the various TF forums to share their work or gain any criticisms or comments on them--they toss them up on ebay and a lot of interested parties miss out on seeing it (unless someone happens to post a link to it, like Daniel did). All in all, it's cool seeing a different take on Bruticus--I'm sure it will help inspire some who see it now or come across it on ebay.
Bruticus looks cool, but I'm not a huge fan of the upper arms as the figures just seems to be laying there. I'm not even sure there is a way around that.
very nice custom, but he should have taken an extra mile of modding the individual bots. i like the head sculpt though. good work.
yea, i agree with all you guys. RL, do you know what figure he used for Vortex? it looks like a good mold for him, just way too small. I'll have my Bruticus up soon, so I hope you guys dig him
Brawl and Blast Off need more custom work put into them. Just paint Swindle's head black and he's set to go. Vortex is cool though, and Onslaught is pasable. Maybe he should have tried to utilize Universe Onslaught.
I love the way Bruticus Looks, very cool, but the robots and vehicals are echh.. The Onlsught kills it bad. But as Bruticus its real nice. I HATE the Brawl...Fucking Mold sucks as megatron and as brawl too!
Personally, I beg to differ on Brawl. Been working on one for a while and I think if you see the mods done to it, you'd see how much it can look like Brawl, IF the work is put into it.
I think he did an adequate job on this. It's solid. It's very easy to pick it apart on the individual bot level, but he made a good go of it. Six months or a year ago we would have drooled over this, but as we see more and better engineering of the big combiners I feel we may be getting a bit desensitized as to the quality of the work presented. It's not ground breaking, but I dig it. I enjoy all the big 'ol Combiners as I prefer small scales and have no inclination to make one of these myself. I do wish there were some new headsculpting. Hope he makes a fortune, and I hope the winner is thrilled!
I agree. Mine looks nothing like Megatron now and I didn't care for the mold either......until I modded it to use as Brawl. Trust me when I say it makes a much better Brawl than Megatron. I had this mold for a LONG while, just sitting there collecting dust. Now I actually like it because it suits Brawl more. I also agree here. I do really like Bruticus here--I just think it could have used different heads on the individual bots (to at least differentiate between the characters originally used--all I see are Megatron and Astrotrain). He took the time to mod Swindle's head, but not the others. I don't fault him for it--it's his work and I like it. I just think it could have looked a little better if he continued that onto the other heads. As for the drooling remark, I still drool over all of these combiners. I really like seeing all the different versions of the same characters. You see each artist's interpretation and it's great.
I am just not feeling Onslaught at all. My opinion of Brawl is pretty low too. Blast off and Swindle were easy wins. Vortex is just kind of there... I could take it or leave it. Bruticus looks good though.
looking back at the pics, it's lame he didn't even remove the parts for Astrotrains train form. Like I said originally, there's one here that I think is much much better... edit: in answer to your coming this weekend Dan
Yeah, a little something to give each character some individuality from it's base figure counterpart would have been great. For what it is, I say it's an overall success.
Agreed--Hell, I'd love to have that standing on my bookcase. I hope my Bruticus turns out half as good as this one looks combined (though Vortex is still small for an upper arm). And is it just me, or is Onslaught's head a Sculpt-bot headcast of his Brawl? If not, it looks awfully similar (looks cool though--not really feeling Onslaught as a whole, but my only real complaint on him is the wheel well gap that was left in alt Prime's alt mode front actually looks cool on this).