I picked up some paint markers a while back, and I've been adding some detail work to a couple of my figures. The standard markers are pretty durable, but the metallic tend to rub off somewhat easily. I want to get an airbrush when I can, but for now I'll make do with what I've got. I've done a few other touchups, as well as a couple more extensive repaints (including repainting Core E Megatron into a red Lucky Draw inspired deco, which I posted a while back) Pardon the messy/chaotic desk btw, living with several cats presents several dangers and cleanliness futilities to my collection/desk/clothes/me. Crankcase is, for some reason, one of my favorite Legacy figures. However, he's a bit bland out the box, so I figured since I'd already bought Nonnef's kit for him, he could do with some deco touchups here and there as well. Bot-specific details: Nonnef cannon barrels > gunmetal Top sections of the head > gunmetal Shoulder vents > gunmetal Weapon (Ransack) barrel > gunmetal, magazine > gold Shin arrows > metallic red Inside door panels > gunmetal Alt mode details: Windows > metallic blue Bumpers/side skirts > gunmetal Tow hook/winch spool > gunmetal Shoulder joint > black Rear roof > black Gas cans > metallic red As I said, I definitely want to eventually get an airbrush and some proper paints so I can make touchups like these smoother and a bit more permanent. Thanks for checking it out!