Just got an email from HasbroToyShop that they will be unveiling the giant Cloverfield figure on the site tomorrow afternoon (2/15/2008). Curious to see how it turned out, since even the clear shots in the movie weren't all that clear.
This will be the part where I either do buy or don't buy...I've managed to hold out THIS long, I think I can wait 24 more hours. DN
I'm at the edge of my seat...! Because I'm about to get up. Still, picked up on this info elsewhere and await with bated breath. If it rocks long and hard, I'll have to be wary of a flood of preorders.
OH GOD YES. This will decide if I pony up the dough or not. *Crosses fingers* PLEASE BE AWESOME!! Post the pics as soon as they come up!
Figure is still too pricey for my blood (if it didn't have those damned electronics....), but can't wait to see it nonetheless.
This isn't a robot we're talking about here, but a giant monster and a giant of a toy at 14 inches. Electronics be damned, the dimensions of the monster, number of joints and multiple accessories have just as much to do with the price.
Cool, now I get to have better accurate references for the monster to draw with. Yet, I really doubt I will spend Mr. Franklin on it. Though, everytime I'm reminded of the Hud scene, I think I can substitute Arnold's "You're one ugly motherf.." from the old Predator movie.
Don't forget the buttload of accessoires (2 heads, SOL head, 10 Parasites, some human figs), the gimmicks (roaring electronic, the "creepy people eating underbelly") and 70 ARTICULATION POINTS. Oh, and it's 14 inches tall. So it has to be what, 22 inches long, not to mention that the arms alone are 13-15inches.
After seeing the movie, I want, no; need a figure of the monster. I got more than enough clear looks during the film to see how awesome it is.
http://www.hasbrotoyshop.com/ProductsByBrand.htm?BR=863&ID=21030&src=GENEMHT20286 Pictures are UP, people!
Ahahahaha wow that looks like crap as a figure. And if it is completely accurate to the monster, then wow, the monster was even worse than I remember. It looks like an old McFarlane Violator figure. I also wonder where these 70 POS are coming from, I see like, 7.
lol It looks like you could maybe give him... 1 pose standing up.. it doesn't look like it can stand without it's arms...
I think it looks pretty good, but it would be nice if they showed pictures of the Statue of Liberty head and the parasites. I also wonder where the 70 points of articulation are coming from.