Check it out. I've made a little bit of progress lately - his chest is now glued in place, as is his helmet (although it's slightly crooked, going to have to resculpt). The "boot" assemblies are getting close to being finished. Here's a pic of the current robot and vehicle modes. Yes, those are original Twin Twist drills, and yes, they still turn.
only thing i think that i dont like about it is that the top of the vehical mode looks strange. other then that it is awsome.
very nicely done, i can forsee many homages to this custom in the future. innovative. i can't wait to see more.
The vehicle mode needs a bit of touching up to fill the little gaps, but the robot mode is bang on! At first I was uncertain about using the Wedge head, but this works really well overall! zmog
I know the vehicle mode is still a bit wonky looking - don't worry. I've got a lot more stuff to graft onto him before he's ready for painting. The arms will get at least some kind of tread casings, and the front of the vehicle mode will be built up into something a bit more complete-looking. Right now he's about... I'd say half built.