Classics - The Past, Present, and Future (?) - Focus?

Discussion in 'Transformers Toy Discussion' started by Superquad7, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. Superquad7

    Superquad7 OCP Police Crime Prevention Unit 001 Super Content Contributor

    May 19, 2003
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    Hey guys, this is a discussion I've been thinking about for quite some time. Of course, Classics have been all the rave with the average older collector for some time now. What was originally intended to be a mere filler line has turned out to be something just shy of a G1 (G2? BW/BM? MW?) reboot.

    Believe it or not, I was originally going to pass on this line when it first came out.

    Wait, what's that you say? Yep. When "Classics" first came out, I was originally going to pass on the whole line. I was still very much hardcore into Alternators and Binal Tech at the time, and my nostalgia was served well with that line. I had [and still have] several customs laid out that I want to do to "complete" the Alt/BT line for me, and I bought enough spare bots to make sure I had everything laid out for a while.


    Some of these figures were that hard to get that I went the "case" route.

    Then, of course, they hit retail. I thought a new Rodimus would be cool, so I got that one. It was going to be my stand alone figure. Then, I got the rest of the Classics line unexpectedly from family and friends as Christmas gifts.


    Yeah, Quaddy, just buy THIS one! :lol  (Classics Rodimus Gallery)

    Then came the Games of Deception set. Many fans were happy. Many fans were angry. However, it was a coda of sorts to a really cool, brief line.


    Does this set still "bug" you? (Games of Deception Gallery)

    Then Universe 2.0 came along. Taking a cue from Universe 1.0, it was a bit of a "catch-all" line, not just limited to G1 characters, but G2 and even Beast Wars as well. Also, some Cybertron molds were reused to pad out the line just a bit, giving us even more cool toys. This line is where things really shined for me, especially with Universe 2.0 Cyclonus. Let's not forget the Henkei and United figures coming out as well.

    Now, I'd gotten rid of many of my Unicron Trilogy toys. I found myself using "Classics' as my own "catch-all" line, making it a bit of a "Universe" line for my Transformers collection.

    Generations came out, and expanded upon the line even more. Also, like or hate the live action movies, the movies were able to expand things even further with "Hunt for the Decepticons" and "Reveal the Shield" (rubsigns? YEAH!). This really gave us all something to 'chug' on for a while :) 


    WHICH faction are you again? (RtS Windcharger Gallery)

    Of course, one cannot talk about this line without mentioning "third party" items. The "City Commander" trailer, while certainly not the first "unofficial" product of its kind, certainly opened the door wide open for other such future products with its runaway success. The lone cab 'Magnus' was able to deal with things in his true 'Ultra' form.


    A little bit of old, and a little bit of new. (Powered Covnoy reissue, Powered Convoy custom by Sq7)

    I could keep going on with the history of "Classics-Generations", but if you're reading this, you've most likely been scurrying for the "GDOs" and probably saving up what would be a house payment for another gestalt. I feel the need to no longer bore you.

    So, all the while, I picked up collecting Generation One again. When I originally entered into Transformers collecting again in December of 1999, I set the goal that I would complete a US run of G1 figures. As I unpacked my childhood collection out of the totes and the Fortress Maximus box for the first time since 1988, I always wondered that it would be cool if we got "G1" in a modern flavor. I'd not much more had this passing thought than I saw the reveals for RiD and then MP-01 Convoy along with BT Smokescreen.


    I'm glad I was allowed to use this as a packing box, as it's the only one that's survived!

    Here we are today, and I'd like to say that I think things are "bright" for me as a fan of both modern and vintage toys, but I can't with the fullest sense of honesty. I think there are gaps that I'd like to see Hasbro fill that probably won't get filled. I preface this with saying that Hasbro has made some REALLY cool figures for Classics - Generations. I feel like that we are EXTREMELY fortunate to get the GDOs. FoC looks to be the new direction of Generations. For the brand, that's good, but as for my collecting, probably not. Masterpiece is taking a new direction in producing some figures that I'm really excited about and have always wanted (MP Soundwave anyone?).

    So, after all of this, I have to say that I'm a bit unfocused. Third party has had me out for quite a while simply due to prices. They're very nice, but I just can't afford them like other collectors with much deeper pockets than me. One every now and then is one thing, but it's been a full-on blitz for a while now, with little signs of letting up. I enjoy vintage, of course, but that's not the focus here, ironically.

    Where do you find yourself in all of this? How do you feel (and please, let's keep it civil. There's enough Hasbro hate, etc.) Where do you want your collection to go, and how are you going about obtaining your goals? What's your display like, and do you find it crowded or not? Where do you see this "line" going? Also, feel free to bring up any other points that I may have left out :) 
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2012
  2. CVprowl

    CVprowl Done

    Jan 20, 2011
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    im allowing myself 1 G1 and 1 modern era of each character and i should stick to it. we'll see.
  3. taterx

    taterx Lurkin since Transfandom

    Nov 24, 2006
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    I'm Definetly leaving 3rd party alone due to prices. As far as things coming out from Hasbro, my shelves are so damn full! I've gotten to the point that I pass on things like the FOC Prime because I have a Titanium & WFC Prime that look better, can't justify squeezing him in. The only GDOs I have is Swerve & Weelie. I had legends Weelie but the paint job on this one is so nice.
    I'm passing on MP Thundercracker & MP10 Prime because I have all the US release MPs & Megatron still MIB and don't see myself opening them. So Basicly I've gotten to the point that I can cherry pic only the figures that really impress me. I'm glad for what I have & still get excited when somthing amazing pops up but smaller more expensive figs are gonna have to pass a big smell test from now on.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2012
  4. Bountyan

    Bountyan Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2008
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    Classics is my main collecting priority. It's more fun to collect because it has lasted such a long time and has such a large scope of characters, and the trend isn't stopping.
  5. opt1musaber

    opt1musaber Victory Saber's Recruit

    Jul 12, 2010
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    Not into classics that much, I do like and have some figures from the united line though. Tracks, WheelJack, Stepper & Warpath being really good ones
  6. CyclonuS_ZerO

    CyclonuS_ZerO Uni-con

    Apr 30, 2007
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    It really all depends if Hasbro is actually going to continue making Classics figures or not. So far all we've gotten (not counting GDO or import lines) this year seems to be FOC figures and next year doesn't look any different. I'm slowly shifting towards only collecting Masterpiece, 3rd Party, and G1 stuff. It just doesn't seem like we're going to get many more "Classics" figures, though I could be wrong (and I hope I am).
  7. archieboy

    archieboy Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2011
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    My classics display is only limited to characters introduced in the 1986 movie, which is mostly made up of official figures. I try to limit expenses, so I also tend to be more picky when it comes to 3rd parties and MPs (could be pickier, though). The key for me has been to focus on specific themes, and try not to collect per line. What has become a problem, though, is adding new themes like classics/3rd pary Wreckers and 3rd Party combiners (thankfully I'm not into TFC combiners, which saves me close to 1000 USD).
  8. bellpeppers

    bellpeppers A Meat Popsicle

    Oct 16, 2008
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    But that's the beauty of being a customizer- if they don't ake it, then you should.

    I am taking a very deliberate step back in collecting. My primary focus is CHUG. And, if Has won't make any more then I'll make them. I know CAD. I'll learn it and do the expense of making my "1 of" characters. Been trying to design a Brawn for a while now.

    I don't anticipate ever quitting TF collecting, but I'm gonna make myself be VERY disciplined about it. CHUG Deluxe.
  9. SG Roadbuster

    SG Roadbuster SG Wrecker

    Jul 20, 2010
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    something i wanna see, equality in case distribution. two bots, two cons, two of each per case. no more of this shortpacking bullshit. especially when the one getting shafted is the one decepticon in the case.

    also, i think that going straight up foc was a bad idea, they should mix in some true classics with em.

    also, use the Generations line to homage series other than g1. who here wouldn't want Armada Starscream, in deluxe form, with modern level design? or some more Beast Wars Homages? or......more animated......

    also, Generations as a catch all line would be a great excuse to re-release some cancelled figures, like DOTM Que and Soundwave, Animated Hotshot, Blackout, and Marauder Megatron.

    I would like to see Human Alliance branch out of movieverse. drop the generations tag on it and release some g1 inspired pairs like Tracks and Raoul, or Hound and Spike, or Wheelie and Daniel. personally i'd like to see Hearts of Steel Bumblebee with John Henry

    and finally, more Vintage alt modes. HFTD Highbrow, GDO Powerdive, RTS Lugnut and Hubcap are getting lonely on my "Old School" shelf
  10. SuperGiantThing

    SuperGiantThing Artist When I Feel Like It

    Dec 7, 2012
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    I love the toys and I'm easily satisfied, but sometimes I think as collectors, were brainwashed.
    I didn't think about buying 3rd party stuff till I read everyones opinions on this website..
    Now I want them all lol yet it doesn't mean I hate hasbro :) 
    Im happy with the prime line, ill buy what makes me happy and as long as I'm happy
    With these toys ill buy them.. anywho!! I see my collection having all the beast wars figures and classic styled ones too. Oh and of course G1 and whatever else in the future is within my likesss
  11. archieboy

    archieboy Well-Known Member

    Oct 10, 2011
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    Hey, good first post. Welcome to the forum :) 
  12. Anguirus

    Anguirus Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2009
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    Movies got me hooked but Classics kept me buying. Generations 1.0 was just such a love letter, it would be a shame if the concept has peaked but WHAT a peak if so.

    It's becoming more of a dual-purpose line now, tying into the video game but also re-inventing G1 gimmicks. Also most/all of them really do make credible "Cybertronian Classics."

    I've been thinking about a retrospective on the Universe '08 line for awhile, it's just such a bonkers line when you think about it. New G1, new Beasts, that wacky Galvatron, all the repaints, the last Ultras ever...the styles don't even mesh that well between size classes but it's all a doofy attempt to please collectors. There's a bloody cassette tape in there!
  13. Lbsammills51

    Lbsammills51 Known Member?

    Oct 11, 2008
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    I prefer collecting Classics so that's the closest thing to a priority for my collection. I have nearly a full "roster" of official releases; I'm just missing a few Botcon releases I'd like to pick up still.

    Third party/unlicensed stuff has really caught my attention and I like the creativity and ambition of some of the releases we've seen and will see. That said, the expanded rollout is becoming a problem as I find myself falling behind on some recent releases I've held off on as well as postponing older stuff I've yet to pick up (like some of the aforementioned Botcon releases I'm still looking at.

    What concerns me, for my collection and specifically my Classics collection, is that the third party/unlicensed release schedule ratchets up so much that the fans that are supposed to be satisfied by these releases can't enjoy them because their is simply too many and not enough money to go around. This concern could be amplified if Takara is in fact ramping up the MP and Encore lines, because those releases will also take precedence in my eyes before certain third party releases.

    I prefer collecting Classics over other lines because it's so much easier (and economical) to release so many characters so much faster. I do hope Hasbro eventually steps away from FoC and starts getting back to G1/G2 as well as other eras that could use updates (Beast Era, Unicron Trilogy). If they don't, I'll still be happy with Hasbro/Takara's offerings elsewhere, but it'll be much more expensive to fill those "holes" in my Classics lineup if only third party/unlicensed companies are the ones filling those holes. It'd be nice to pick up a Classics Trailbreaker or Brawn or Blackarachnia or whatever and not know that I'll automatically have to shell out $50-100+ for them.
  14. PlanckEpoch

    PlanckEpoch Crossdresser Toy Collector

    Jul 20, 2010
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    Like many other, Classics is my primary collecting focus. The last month and a half I have had the extreme fortune to be picking up a huge Classics focused collection, getting nearly everything I need. I've dipped into Prime, mostly First Edition and a bunch of Vehicons and stuff, and I still have a handful of movie toys that I like...but at this point, if it isn't a War/Fall of Cybertron figure, or a Classics figure, I don't think I'm going to get it. Third Party has done real well in giving me options to fill the holes in my Classics collection, and I'm very fortunate for that!

    I actually hope that Hasbro does not do any actual Classics figures in the remaining slots for 2013 Generations. If they keep up with the obvious money saving lack of quality, then I couldn't stomach buying those figures and putting them near my 2010-2011 Generations, and Classics and Classics 2.0 stuff. I would love it if Hasbro waited when the economy gets better and they return to previous quality before tackling further Classics characters.
  15. Wyvern

    Wyvern Velvet Sanchez

    Feb 7, 2003
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    I was all about CHUG (ugh I can't believe I typed that). I had all the US releases and the Henkei releases. I bought some 3rd party figures but then something inside me changed. I wanted more. I wanted something better. So I began to focus on Masterpieces. I began selling almost everything off. I got rid of all the Armada/Energon/Cyberyron stuff first. Then I started selling all my CHUG figures and Botcon figures. I sold my Hercules. I sold a lot. I still have some figures I need to get rid of but I'm almost done. When it's all said and done I'll just have my MP figures, a couple Alternators, some CHUG figures like Cyclonus and Jazz, random G1 figures, and some random 3rd party figures. Oh and my Beast Wars figures, can't forget about those. So I guess.... I still have a mess lol. But it makes sense to me. Lol. It just takes so long to sell things...
  16. Murasame

    Murasame 村雨

    Oct 9, 2008
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    Classics is the only reason I started collecting. With other toys I'm just fine looking at their pictures on TFWiki :D 
  17. Erland

    Erland Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2012
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    Right now, I'm working on finishing off a couple of lines like, BW and the Movie lines. I'm only looking for the best representation of each on screen characters. I'm only a couple away from each.

    Then there is the Classics line, I won't call it CHUG, I want a lot more of what I have and would like the entire G1 cast represented in this. I missed out on Classics 1 and 2 and showed up at the end of Generations so I have some catching up to do.

    Master Pieces, I just got my first two, and if I get any more they will be far and few in between.

    Prime, I have just about all I want from this line short of like 4 and 3 of which I don't see myself paying for, Break Down, Smoke Screen, Nemesis Prime...

    WFC/FOC, Not sure where I want to go with this one...

    G1, eventually I wouldn't mind getting this line completed but, I would rather have it all in reissues, due to money and condition. If I had the money I'd go with MIB Originals but... not any time soon.

    There are a couple other figures from select lines I want and will be last on my list...

    I think that's it, I'm heading to bed... gn
  18. AnAutobot1985

    AnAutobot1985 Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2012
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    Thanks to TFW, ramped up production, youtube reviews, etc...this hobby has become stupid expensive and I don't really care too much about classics anymore. All about the MPs, 3rd party, some G1.
  19. barrelks

    barrelks Captain Funtastic

    Apr 20, 2008
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    I have laid off the G1 (for the most part) for the past year or so to focus on finishing up my Classicverse and MPs, but even that is taking some pretty careful budgeting as most of the stuff on my want list is becoming crazy expensive. Decided that I don't need MP-04 or 04s (at least for now) since I have both Hasbro versions of the mold, Magnus, and Black, but I still have a couple of the newer scale ones to knock out to feel complete. Not looking forward to tracking down 08x.
  20. cuters

    cuters Diabolist

    Mar 15, 2007
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    all about them classic,s are why i collect tf,s can,t wait for more G1 remakes even some of the foc stuff has me interested Grimlock for sure. Shock wave with Cyclonus,s legs but thats about it from that line still hopeing for a classic,s remake of Trailbreaker.