Tired of Classics Optimus missing wrist swivels and foot articulation? This upgrade kit brings him up to modern standards, fixing the few outdated pieces of engineering he has! Pull of more dynamic poses than ever before with one of the 2000's most iconic moulds. Get the kit here: Classics Optimus Articulation Update
This is a recreation of user Chanponman's (Offline since 2016) upgrade kit. As Shapeways is no longer in service, I did my best to recreate their work. Find the original thread HERE.
nujevad made these a year ago exactly the same if not better Classics Prime articulated feet Classics Prime articulated hands
I made one too. A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away… Nice to see this figure getting some love again. Great version of Prime.
Love this prime, I wish I could have every repaint of the mould. These look rad! What did you do to the cab to get the sides off the arms?
Thanks. He became a bit of a partsformer. But I was ok with that. Basically, I designed modified attachments for the arms so that the arm kibble just detaches from the arms and can be attached to the backpack (which is a new roof for the cab). Here is the truck mode.
Came up with some new ideas, I think I'll revise my design. I'll be updating the Cults page with the new files
Hi, Is there a way to access these files? Do you still have them? Shapeways has shut down and thats the only link you have to your files. if you still have them I would be greatly interested!
That’s so cool. I remember working with you on that. Can’t believe the time has passed so fast. It’s such a good figure. I’m frequently tempted to make him my main OP again in my collection. Zleda, I’m excited to see what you come up with when you make your changes.