Hey guys, I'm looking for practically anything that is classics or universe 2.0. I'm keen on anything.
Willing to trade a G1 100% complete C8.5+ Ironhide for 2x loose Universe 2.0/Classics Deluxe or 1 Deluxe MOSC. It can be any besides Octane/Tankor. Note: This does not mean Generations or Reveal The Shield.
I've got a complete Classics Devastator with all stars, accessories and instructions. PM me if interested. Mark
Send me a pm if interested. http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/items-sale-trade/328532-liokaisers-junkion-exchange-b-s-t.html
Is it pricing that turned you away from those who pm'd you so far or what figures they offered? Either way it might be helpful to those reading your want list to know so you don't keep getting the same kind of PM's from other members.