Heyo! Back again with some minor Customs Introducing Demolisher and Deadshift! Backstory on Demolisher:So if you take a look at the G1 S1 Decpticon cast,you’ll see that the Autobots out number them a frick ton! So with some bs’ing and looking around the transformers multiverse,I found these toys of Demolishers So I thought, hey why not turn ROTF Long Haul into Him?! After all,I’m a huge fan of the Constructions,So here he his! I got his eye piece by cutting out a bit of a water bottle cap and then painting it and super glueing it The next mod I did was that of his Cannons, after all, It wouldn’t be Demolisher without his cannons! So I used some Lego bricks and gifted him with them They attach to the peg hole in his wheel The alt mod is pretty much the same Now on to Deadshift! Backstory: I absolutely love the PRID Wheeljack mold, and watching TF Ascension made me really want a Slicer like Figure in my collection, so in my head cannon he’s like a extra Stunticon. I also swapped out his tail lights and head with the wheeljack mold I took away his garish neon green Decepticon symbol, and placed a little badge on his chest I gave him Drift’s sword too,it really fits him Alt modes the same too,minus the badge Here he is with my other Wheeljack body swap,GreasePin! These two really work as a Ying and Yang Ones a violent sword welding maniac, the other calm,nerdy,and shy mechanic It’s funny,these two are like a my other non-combining members of the Construction and Stunticon, that’s why I imagine these two being partners in crime! Welp that’s all form me,Tell me what y’all think! -Mr Jazzy Drifter
It's cool that you've went for an Energon Demolisher homage. That doesn't happen often. Sweet way to get a Downshift too.