so, i realized how much i like the substitute autobot team from transformers animated and decided im gonna base a fanfic on them. it will be set about a year after the end of season 3 of the show and ignore any possible season 4. it will have sari leading the group as defenders of earth in the autobots absence. an addition to the group will be red alert, who came back to earth with sari to study her, and the other dinobots. it will also see the return of the constructions, who expand their numbers, starscream and the other cons left on earth. im gonna try and get the first chapter posted tomorrow hopefully. im gonna try to have it that each chapter stands like an episode. any thoughts on this idea?
Sari Sumdac rubbed her head, knowing it was going to do nothing to sooth the pounding in it. To think only less than two years ago, she was a sheltered but happy preteen girl, ignorant to the troubles of the world. Now she was the 17 year old leader of the Substitute Autobots, the new group who defended Detroit, and most of the rest of the state from threats. Unfortunately, when a city ends up being the technological center of the world, it tends to get a bit chaotic. From super villains, to wayward decepticons to natural disasters, they were the ones to call. But whether they were the right ones was still a question everyone, including herself, asked. They didn’t even compare to Optimus prime and his autobots, in any kind of way. She knew it most of all. So many times she wished her friends, her extended family from the stars were still with her. Unlike them, she was not so welcome on their home world. Considered by many to be a half breed abomination, she chose to leave cybertron and return to earth. She knew that cybertronians didn’t think too highly of organics, let alone, techno-organics, but to treat her as an outright vermin, it truly did hurt her. Even the defense of her autobot friends was not enough to help her. They did offer to accompany her to earth, but she declined, she knew neither them nor she would have the heart to part. If they came to earth with her, they would not have left. She had no right to make them leave their home again, especially not after they were hailed as heroes. Suddenly the room thundered with loud bangs and roars and her headache deepened. “oh c’mon, not this again!” she gritted her teeth Into the room charged three huge mechanical dinosaurs. They clashed, smashed and roared as they fought over a large metal pipe, fighting over it like dogs over a stick. Despite the Dinobots’ former claims that they were not animals or pets, they did seem to enjoy similar pursuits. Suddenly a large green and purple bot came running in from outside. “hey c’mon guys, it’s called fetch not fight. You’re taking all the sport out of it” scrapper groaned Their tussle began to grow more destructive. Thankfully, after the team had moved into the autobots old base, her father had given it a complete technological and structural overhaul, which included dinobot proofing it, as well as possible at least. Crapper joined in to try and wrestle the pipe away when suddenly a thin laser beam shot between the four. They turned to the slender white and red autobot across the room, the tool in place of her hand smoking. “that’s enough, look at the mess you’re all making” red alert lectured To the surprise of many, it was the autobot medic and scientist Red Alert who volunteered to take sari back to earth and remain there to conduct research. When it was revealed that cybertron high command had lied about organics being deadly, red alerts curiosity was piqued and she desired to study the anomaly of saris being and her home world. “c’mon lady, we just havin a bit of fun” “you call making a mess of our base fun?” Strangely, red alert was a lot like Ratchet in personality. While less crotchety, she is a blunt and more serious minded then the rest of us. Like ratchet she does posess something of a dry wit. Sari is just glad to have her on the team to back her with dealing with the more chaotic member of their group. The dinobot suddenly started to ignore the argument and go back to their roughhousing. “sit!” she shouted Suddenly the three robot dinos were perched on the ground, still. Her strictness, which sometimes bordered on the scary, coupled with the fact that the dinobots found her attractive meant she was able to maintain some degree of control over them. “you gotta teach me how to0 do that” scrapper frowned “hehehe, I don’t think you have the right…qualifications, scrapper” sari laughed Red alert let out a small chuckle as well, while scrapper just looked confused. “all right guys, clean this up, please” sari requested “eh, im a builder, not a cleaner” scrapper said as he turned away” “dinobots not clean, cleaning baaaad. Dinobots wreck. Wrecking gooood!” grimlock declared as the dinobots transformed “clean this or I will wreck you, big boy” red alert narrowed her optics Grimlock approached the much smaller fembot and looked down. “grimlock…might clean, if pretty doctor lady give grimlock kiss. Kiss good” he grinned Red alert was not amused. She often had to suffer the dinobots’ advances, mainly grimlocks. She threateningly pressed her laser hand underneath his pucker jaw. “kiss, kiss!” snarl and swoop chanted together in request “hehe, yeah, that don’t sound bad, for once the lug is right, kiss good. ill clean up for a little kiss to doll” scrapper smiled That was the last straw for red alert, who fired a full level laser blast into the ceiling. Grimlock quickly retreated to use his compatriots as shields from her wrath. “what the big deal, so it’s a little messy. The “garbage man” must feel right at home” scrapper argued Wreck-gar, said garbage man, sat on the other side of the room, ignorant to the whole goings on, his optics glued to the television. Sari sighed when attention was focused on him. He was one of her greatest challenges as a leader. Such a simple minded and impressionable bot was hard to deal with. With a lot of time and great patience, she managed to finally permanently instill some facts into his mind. Mainly, who he was, who she was, and what they do. From that retained knowledge, his mind did seem to finally mature and stabilize to the point that he could make rational decisions and choices. Still, he did prove rather suggestible, which meant TV was the last thing she wanted him near. She usually limited how much she let him watch, but today she wasn’t in the mood for botsitting. He must have felt his audio receptors ringing because he suddenly came marching over. “garbage man wreck-gar reporting for duty” he saluted and smiled innocently. ”yes, trash bot take care of mess. Dinobots not clean” grimlcok grinned “no clean” snarl added “dinobots make mess, mess funner” swoop added “aww come here” wreck gar opened his arms “what…what trash bot doing?” grimlock backed away nervously “I know that dinosaurs love hugs” he smiled Sari grinned from cheek to cheek, knowing just what kids show wreck gar had gotten that from. He approached the terrified dinobot singing a childish song merrily. Snarl and swoop scurried away to hide behind scrapper and red alert respectively, who were both laughing hysterically at the display. Grimlock grew more frightened and standoffish and suddenly transformed to dino mode, but suddenly found his transformation did not hinder his assaulter. He suddenly cried out in humiliation and anger as he was embarrassingly “killed with kindness”. He complained and whined as he thrashed about, trying to dislodge the bot wrapped around his neck. “I am wreck gar, autobot hero, cleaner of trash, hugger of friendly dinos” he smiled “me grimlock not friendly dino, and no hugger either, me gimlock king” he howled Sari just shook her head and looked out the window as the room filled with bickering. “optimus, how’d you do it” she whispers Suddenly there was a loud ringing throughout the base. All went silent as the control panel screen lit up in a distorted video, with sari father on it. “sar….help…under attac…dec…n…star…m…ack…need assi….” The line went dead “dad dad” sari yelled as she tried to reestablish the call but couldn’t” “what fleshy man mean?”grimlock asked “somethings wrong” red alert spoke up “me dad needs help, bad. And whatever he needs help with is serious!” “ugh, I hate serious” scrapper groaned “substitute autobots, transform and roll out!” The bots all transformed into their vehicle and dino modes and took off out the door. In a burst of light, sari was engulfed in her techno organic armor. She loaded her jet pack and was soon rocketing downtown alongside her team. All she could think about was her father safety. They soon arrived at sumdac tower, which was smoking and her heart sank. As they make their way towards the main entrance, an explosion suddenly erupts from the side of the building. From the smoking hole, two large figures emerge and descend to the ground to bar their way. Sari knew them well. “well well well, look what the turbofoix dragged in. it looks like we might finally have some sport…” starscream grinned “what say you, my dear?” “lets trash ‘em” slipstream grimaced “far be it from me to disappoint a lady” “jet bots baaaad” grimlock growled “but we are good” wreck gar grinned The decepticon pair activated their jets and primed their weapons; Sari responded by activating her wrist blades and heal skates. “autobots, attack!”