**WANTS** *Transformers - Takara Star Convoy G1 Reissue Loose. *Justice League Unlimited 6pack "Legends of the league" with crimson fox, deadman, b'wana beast, commander steel, vibe and superman/ *Justice League Unlimited 6pack "The secret society" with the key, silver banshee, shadow theif, kgbeast, atomic skull and batman *Justice League Unlimited 3pack with warhawkm batman beyond, old bruce wayne *Justice League Unlimited 3pack with booster gold, super woman, ultra man *Justice League Unlimited 3pack with cheetah, the shade, lex luthor in prison suit. *Justice League Unlimited 3pack with zatanna, red tornado, volcana *He Man (the new ones) - He Man *He Man (the new ones) - Skeletor *Minimates Iceman and Firestar *Marvel ToysRUs Exclusive - Spiderman and his amazing friends - Spiderman, Firestar, Iceman
CharIJoe is cool. She's from Hisstank, where there is no Wanted section. Could a mod be kind and move this for her?