Hello all. Lately I've started to catalogue my collection. I've started doing it for two reasons: 1. morbid curiosity and 2. so that I can properly insure it (got some good info on that from http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/tutorials-how-tos/278828-insuring-protecting-your-collection.html). So far I've been keeping an excel spreadsheet of all of the different figures line by line, noting their condition and any other notes. I've also been taking pictures of everything. So far I've been going through my MISB stuff, I am thinking I will take video of my displayed loose collection to make it easier than moving everything. I've got a lot of stuff to slog through still. This is going to take forever... So how do you all do it, keeping track of your collection that is? Any ideas, comments, or suggestions are appreciated. One question I had in particular, when I go through cataloging my loose stuff, should I dig out the packaging that I kept? For instance, should I whip out cards and instruction manuals and take pictures of that along with a transformer in question?
I keep a database in Open Office with several categories in it: Name Toy Line Series Size Class Affiliation Sub-Group Alt Mode Complete Instruction Import/Exclusive Notes I use the Notes area to write any thing I need to note about the figure, like what parts its missing if its incomplete or where the toy was exclusive to etc. I can use that as a data source to make a variety of "reports" or spreadsheets depending on what I need to show, but for the most part I just scroll through the database to see what I got and the condition. Hope that helps
Yeah, I use an MS Access database: Series Character State (ie loose, MISB, MIB, whatever) Package condition Size class Notes Fair market value Notes area I put things like if it's complete, if it's exclusive, if it's a combiner team which combiner it creates, AFA grades etc.
I've got like a word document with headings by different TF Line to keep count, but I'm considering going the Access route.
I use shmax.com for anything official takara/hasbro and I use google docs spreadsheet for anything not on there. This way, if anything happens to my laptop, it is still out on the web.
Access hurts my brain, so I just use Excel. I have a different worksheet for each line I collect (7 in all) and a seperate one for associated merchandise, like comics, stationery and jigsaws. By each item, I have an estimated minimum and maximum value and notes about faction, packaging and anything else noteworthy. This is basically for my filters so I can sort through what I've got a bit more easily. Especially helpful when you are getting on for 80 ROTF figures! The only pics I have of everything are on my PC which I also have on photobucket and zombie-ing it up somewhere in the collection thread of TFW. It really needs updating as I have bought and sold quite a bit this year already.
I really wish i would have thought about putting one for "Price" (either fair market value or what I paid for it) when I started my list, I've got so many in my collection now it'd take forever to sort the price out on all of them. I've tried doing the shmax thing soooo many times, I just don't have the patience to re-enter all of my collection by hand again. I never thought about using google docs to backup my collection list though, I always worry about what would happen if something happened to my list. This is an A+ idea, thanks I always thought there should be a way/place for people to share their collection lists if they want to, I wonder if google docs would work for that
I use the Spiderus' Index 0.Big Guys 1.Primes/Decepticon Leaders 2.Female Transformers 3.Non-TF 4.Animated 5.Movie/ROTF/TF3 6.Robot Heroes 7.Non Movie Charathers 8.CHUG 9.UT/BW/RID/PCC/WFC
Shmax: Yeah... it was rough when the site was slow, but it is much better now. The owner is a great guy who tries really hard to help in any way. PM me if you need any help with it. I decided to take my time in cataloging over 3000 items and it took me months, but I feel like it was worth the effort since Shmax is sooo much more than just a checklist. Google Docs: glad I can help. I liked it too, although the docs aren't as powerful as the office suite equivalents. Share Collection: Shmax allows you to view other people's collections (another reason to use it )
I have been considering doing this but id like to do something like a G.I.Joe data card for each one I own. with an Image of the figure then the data and a bio. It will be alot of work but worth it in the end.
I've been trying (1/2 assedley) to figure out how to attach an image to each entry in my database for identification purposes, once you get around the 1000 mark it's hard to remember who each and every little mini con and such is.
unless i discover a better method i intend to use Microsoft Works word processor to make my data files as it allows pictures to be attached. Now Im trying to decide if i want to go with Photo of each figure or box art.
Ahh, I did this about 3 or 4 years back near the end of Cybertron and haven't updated it since. Figuring lately should since I am moving and redoing my case. I just use Excel and list them by series but then have columns for size and faction as well
For the last ten years, an ever-expanding Excel spreadsheet - over the years I've built in all kinds of crazy sorting options and filters. As nice as some of the options out there are, I maintain that building your own system is the only way to organize the information in exactly the way you want to have and manage it.
my collection is safe in a shurgard storage but ill do this once I get my room in october to get everything up. I will probbaly copy locus ways
I've only made a list of all the TF figures and other toys in Microsoft Word that I update after each new purchase. Now that I actually stop and think about it, I think I can come up with a better way to catalog my collection... it'll be time-consuming, but the method that I have in mind will be worth it.
I've been taking pix of my Transformers since 2004 and I started my Excel spreadsheet in 2005 and have faithfully kept up with it. It's a great way to keep track of things. As far as the categories I have it by Toy's name, Series, Year it was released, What condition it's in, whether or not I've given it a new name (I enjoy doing that...most of my TFs that have a recycled name and aren't intended to be an update to the original character are gven new names), Where I purchased it (much easier for new toylines...impossible to remember where I most of my G1's from childhood), what year I purchased it and the final column has an asterisk if I've taken the pictures of it for my files. I still have quite a few pictures to catch up on, so that's useful for me.
I haven't cataloged my collection, mainly because it's split up in 3 different places right now and I'm not sure what I have between G2 and A/E/C. I have, however been putting all my instructions sheets in document protectors and binders, it's a nice little flipable, condensed view of what I have. The one downfall is that Legends and Mini bots aren't in the stack.
For now, I keep detailed spreadsheets. I however have future plans of an elaborate website with in depth descriptions and photos of all the pieces in my collection. This will also help when getting to the point of selling.
I was thinking about adding a portion in there about how much each figure is roughly worth. I am guessing I just need to research ebay and go from there.