We get it Hollywood, you're scared of trying new ideas. But Casablanca? Really? Who in the blue hell thought THAT was a good idea? Maybe they need to watch Overdrawn at the Memory Bank. Repeatedly.
*Insert tired, broken-record of a comment here about how Hollywood must be destroyed yadda yadda yadda* Ugh.
Are you FUCKING KIDDING me? *throws chair against wall* I guess it doesn't take much to show that cinematic legacy and craft don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy world.
Can't say this surprises me since A Christmas Story has a sequel (although it kind of already got one in the form of My Summer Story).
Next up: Gone With the Wind 2. Of course because of standards today, Rhett Buttler's new line is "Frankly bitch, I don't give a shit".
Who cares? I never bothered to see the original and I won't be bothered to see this either. People get so pissy over the dumbest things. Let them make a sequel to every movie ever made, it doesn't matter. at. all.
The best thing is that the article linked refers to that all too common misquote as "a line from the movie"
You complete me. And, the treatment was written by one of the original screenplay writers, it might not be that bad. Perish the thought.