Okay, so I was playing with my movie Bumblebee figure today along with my Generations Thrust. I was trying to transform Bumblebee and man is he complicated! All of a sudden, these two pieces popped off and I have no clue where they came from! Any ideas? I thought they went on the side of his upper thighs, but they don't seem to fit anywhere. Their obviously BB parts, but where? They didn't brake off fortunately, just popped off and I'd like to put them back on. And no, that yellow speck between the parts is not from the parts or figure at all. Something else..................
They go on the outside of its' shoulders. There should be rectangular pegs on the pieces that slide into slots on the arms.
those are his shoulder pads. they really tend to pop off from time to time. i got the 1st version of the camaro bb from the 1st movie and glued it up so it wont come off again. hope this helps!
check this thread out: http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/transformers-feedback/137011-tftm-concept-camaro-bumblebee-38.html and start reading from post #377. not sure if there's pics but those tab on the spaces on the arms like grimlock13 said. edit: check the page 44 and you'll see on the 1st pic where the pads go. i suggest gluing them, just make sure you dont put too much so it wont seep into the arms. hope this helps!