Yeah I know... the timing of me putting this up for sale is probably the worst considering BotCon '09 is happening within a couple of weeks, but I figured some people who won't be attending might be interested. In short, I still have an extra "Games Of Deception" boxset sitting here complete with the original the box that Fun Pub sent it in. It of course contains Classics Thrust, Dirge, Thundercracker, Dreadwind & Bugbite, a certificate of authenticity, a BotCon '07 pin and tech spec cards for each figure. I don't want to be one of those "make me an offer" guys, but I guess I'll have to be if I attempt to sell it via the TF forums as opposed to eBay. If you require pics, feel feel to ask me for some. I also have an old buyer/seller feedback thread somewhere in here which is all positive (as far as I recall), so absolutely search it out if you think you might be serious about doing a direct private sale via these forums. I'll give it about a week to see how the response is here before deciding whether or not to list it on eBay instead, so PM me at your leisure up until... let's say Sunday. Thanks for looking.
To give you an idea of what would be an acceptable offer, the last 2007 set I saw on Ebay went for over $700.
I'm interested, but I have no money >.< so I guess unless you're willing to hold it till I can find a means of getting money (mind you it'd be no where NEAR the ammount you probably paid even less than 40or 30....) or you'd not care to trade I'm SOL.........I've always wanted a botcon set too
To be honest, based on actively watching how much the figures generally go for on an individual basis as well as what the boxset itself usually fetches, I won't be letting it go for anything under $800. There's been a couple of people who apparently ackowledge the value of it and have made pretty reasonable offers thus far, but apparently there's a lot of others who expect to get it for $25-$50 over the original sale price based on the PM's I've gotten. But as I've told them, if this is too steep, there's always the Henkei versions to possibly look into instead. And just to get it out there since this is a common question: no, I will not sell the figures, the box, the certificate of authenticity, etc. separately. I do, however, plan to sell Dreadwind & Bugbite from my own boxset since I have no use for them and have never even taken them out the foam. Hope that answers some of the FAQ.