anyone know of any good places i can find and buy most if not all of the transformers comics even ranging from marvel publishing and so on? i shop at midtown comics but they are not a fan of the lines like voltron or transformers. when i ask they guys about other lines they are great help but when it comes to the lines like TF they give me the "oh god don't read that" face lol so i would like to add these to my collection so i would like to hunt down single and TPB hell even compendiums i would buy but i don't know where to start so if anyone even has a chorno list that would be awesome
First, go back and punch those guys in their 'tf comics sux' face Then, I think online is really your best bet in finding and tracking down everything. Amazon, Barnes & noble, wherever else you can think of. I suggest just giving this comics forum a quick glance over/search as there's lots of pre-existing threads asking the same kinda thing in regards to chronology and what books are out that you should pick up. Have fun reading! (The comics, not the multiple threads. Lol. Tho, have fun doing that as well? I dunno. Lol)
so i take it that you've read them? lol what built my interest was the rage of the dinobots thats coming out soon
ive read a few if you're wanting to get up on the recent IDW stuff, i think the Collections books are what you're looking for/described. They're hardcover and collect all the different series under the IDW continuity. As for Marvel stuff, there's reprints galore out there. I think IDW's been reprinting all that stuff here recently as well so its all pretty readily available [the new ongoing MTMTE series is where its at tho. definitely gotta read that ]