I know there are a ton of Barricade fans out there, and I have the toy, one of my most favorite deluxe class toys. I must ask you Michael Bay, Where is our beloved Cop Con? The toy tech Specs suggest he is a spy on earth, and is not at all sad that Frenzy is dead. Frenzy : JERK!!! (Makes a rude hand gesture that he used in the first film several times.) For those of you who are attempting to avoid the Movie's novel contents, do not read this next sentence below. Barricade is not mentioned in the novel at all. So feel free to speculate on Barricade's fate, or some made up scenes you wish Barricade was in.
This has definetly not be confirmed. Actually I believe they said that was Alice. I highly doubt he will make the final cut. I love the saleen mustang, but his bot mode looked a little cheesy or atleast it was the poorest CGI work in the film (if you can call any of their digital imaging poor). He was the only bot they seemed to have difficulty with IMO.
It will probably mentioned somewhere that he becomes Sideways or something Or maybe get killed in some prequel
He is not in the library. Judging from what we know, he's been glossed over. I still believe that Sideways was originally written as Barricade, but was given a new name at some point in production.
We saw it being transported last year along with primes truck, what was going on there? and bob hinted that it was something that needs to be answered...which i always assumed meant he would return for a scene or two.
barricade was definatley one of my faves, the SALEEN Mustang yields only to the M1 Abrams tank to me heh, but i think sideswipe might just be barricades true match in car bot faves.
I can imagine him getting hunted down and killed by NEST at the begining and the other autobots falling to earth shortly afterwords. If that doesn't happen we get one or two scenes of him spying and reporting to Starscream or Soundwave. Maybe he just does little here in this movie and does much more in TF3.
Barricade has been in every trailer. What are you talking about? -Barricade firing missiles and Barricade coming around the corner of a building as Mikaela and Barricade jump from one building to another. -Barricade, Barricade, and Barricade standing over the fallen Barricade underwater. -Barricade and Barricade dropping Sam off at college while remarking at how impressive/expensive it is. -And of course, Barricade's famous "It's upgrade time!" line. If anything, we have too much Barricade. I'd like to see other bots.
He comes back to get shot in the nuts like Blackout, setting up Transformers 3: Revenge of Barricades nuts.
maybe they'll be a scene in the begining where prime has a voice over saying something like "those that did not parish hid amung the humans" and it would show barricade scanning an R8 just an idea but it really looks like barricade is sideways.